
CaughtInTheTrap by Unknown Read Free Book Online

Book: CaughtInTheTrap by Unknown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Unknown
his hands up to ease her fears. “Carla, you’re having a meltdown.  Sit down and take a deep breath.”  He pulled out a chair for her to sit.
    “No, I have to know why I’m a target.  Why does that man want me dead, Zach? I’ve never hurt anyone in my life. Despite what you see, I’m a nice person.  I really am.”
    He looked at her and realized by the expression on her face, that Carla was frightened and afraid to admit it to him. “Carla, I’m a real FBI agent, not an actor.”
    “I know, I know!” She paced the floor. “I’m scared for myself and my family, Zach.  If that idiot can’t get to me will he go after my mom and sister?”
    “You don’t have to worry about them. I got a message from my commander that your mother and sister are safe.  Apparently, Paula left you several messages yesterday. Did you look at any of them?”
    “You know my sister’s name?”  She waved her hand dismissively. “Of course you do and no I didn’t get a chance to look at my phone.  I was too busy ducking bullets.”
    “Paula and your mother are on a Caribbean cruise for seven days.  They left this morning.”
    Carla slapped a hand to her forehead. “I forgot they were going on that cruise today.”
    “Well, they are on the ship and both are okay.  Our tech sent a message on your behalf wishing them a safe trip.  We didn’t want them to worry about you.”
    “Okay, I feel better knowing that.” She turned to leave the room.
    “Carla? I wish I could tell you more, but I can’t.  I know what I’m saying won’t ease your worries but my SAC is on top of everything and keeping me informed.  I should have you out of here in two, maybe three days tops. You’ll be free to go about your business and forget this ever happened.”
    “Why can’t I believe that, Zach?  If you want to help me, tell me what have I done?”
    He couldn’t stand to see her sad eyes and turned his back.  “Why do you think you’ve done anything?” he asked as he put fresh fruit in the fridge.
    “Why else would the FBI be concerned about my safety?”
    Zach rubbed his temples.  He felt a headache coming on. “Look, I’m not supposed to tell you anything.  But maybe you can help me.  What can you tell me about your cousins Tyrone and Phillip?”
    She released a deep breath. “Ty and Phil are my first cousins. My dad’s sister’s kids actually. Why are you asking about them?”
    “Do you know where they are?”
    She shook her head. “I assume they are home or doing what they do.  I haven’t talked to either one of them in ages. Again, why are you asking about them?”
    He shrugged his shoulders. “I’m just asking you some questions.”
    She shook her head. “No. I’m not stupid.  You know who they are and that I’m related to them.  So, is this about them?”
    “You’re making this hard for me,” he said sighing.
    “Well, let me make it easier.  Ty and Phil are black men that have had trouble with the law in the past.  The FBI and that creep from the shelter are looking for them.  Are they wanted for doing criminal activity and you all think I have something to do with it?”
    He pointed a finger at her. “You know you really have a bad habit of throwing race into everything.”
    “Yeah, I do and recent events cause me to do that.  Come on, you aren’t blind to how justice works for black people, Zach.”
    Zach leaned against the sink and shoved his hands in the pockets of his jeans. “I’m not going to play dumb about that.  Obviously, I am looking for them.  Carla, they are involved in some seriously dangerous shit and it has to do with why you are in my custody.”
    She arched a perfect brow. “What am I being charged with? You have no idea where to find them so I’m going to jail for their crime?  What kind of crap are you pulling?”
    “You are not under arrest.”
    “Yes I am! You just said I was.  I want a lawyer.  I have a right to one.”
    “Yeah you do but I haven’t

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