
Caveman by V. Andrian Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Caveman by V. Andrian Read Free Book Online
Authors: V. Andrian
like I know how to wield it.
    I walk back to the cabin and search its small space. I remember him saying he saved as many bags as he could from the plane but I don’t see any. I would have liked to find my phone and call for help. But then again, I doubt it would still have any battery left. If it even survived the crash.
    My leg is starting to throb again so I lie down and try to retie the splint. When I’m done I know it’s a pretty lame job but it will have to do for now. Where is my caveman?
    It’s nighttime and my caveman hasn’t come back. Did something happen to him? Did he just leave me? Maybe he decided he didn’t want to help me and left to build another cabin somewhere? And why do I find the idea of not seeing him again worse than being left out here all alone?
    I found some meat in one of the cabinets earlier and some herbs and tried grilling it over the fire, after throwing a few more logs in. Now I’m thinking of where I will find something to eat tomorrow if he doesn’t come back. I don’t know if there are any animals around here but I’d probably get eaten first before finding something to hunt and kill. How would I manage that anyway? With my deadly claws and fangs?
    I’ve searched the area around the cabin several times in hopes he returned and didn’t come in the cabin but I’m too scared of the dark to go out now. I guess I should go to sleep and pray that he’s okay and hasn’t abandoned me.
    I wake up to find I’m still alone. Where is he? Please, don’t let him have been eaten by something.
    I stink. I wonder where he gets his showers. There is no running water as far as I’ve walked and there definitely isn’t a shower stall or a bathtub in the cabin. I’d give anything in that moment for a tub full of hot water and bubble bath. Or even a showerhead attached to a freaking wall. I’m thinking I should look around to find some water and get cleaned up.
    It takes me a while to find the river. It’s not too wide but its current looks strong. Not too deep so I may be able to get in without fearing being carried away. I don’t have anything to dry myself off with so I’m just going to have to run back to the cabin and hope that the fire will be enough to save me from hypothermia. It’s not too cold around but it’s not hot either and I doubt the water will be warm.
    I take off my clothes, leaving my underwear on because like hell I’m going to get completely naked out here. I walk to the edge of the water and sink my toes inside. Fuck! That’s cold. I lay my entire right foot in the water and hiss in a breath. Fucking freezing. Oh my God, maybe dying of filth is better than diving in that water, right?
    I put my other foot in and have to breathe in quick, gasping breaths to keep from crying out. Another step in and now I feel the cold everywhere, whether the water is touching me or not. As I lift my leg to walk a step further inside, I hear a low growl and too hands clasp around my waist and pull me back. I’m in the air for a moment and then I’m being put back on the ground, out of the water and spun around to meet a set of enraged grayish-green eyes.
    “Are you out of your fucking mind? What the fuck do you think you’re doing?”
    My body is shaking with the cold but my face is hot enough to grill bacon. Of all the embarrassing moments. “I was j-just trying to c-clean up,” I stutter while trying to keep my teeth from chattering.
    “Oh, for fuck’s…” he trails off and then I’m in his arms again, cradled against his chest.
    “P-Put me down,” I protest weakly. His warmth feels too good to make it any stronger. “I can walk.”
    “Your ankle is hurt,” he grumbles while speed-walking towards the cabin.
    But I’m naked , I want to say but I don’t. He doesn’t seem to care and he’s determined and stronger than me. I guess I should be glad that he hasn’t abandoned me and not whine about being denied my cold bath.
    It takes me a while to realize

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