Chance Of A Lifetime 1987

Chance Of A Lifetime 1987 by Unknown Read Free Book Online

Book: Chance Of A Lifetime 1987 by Unknown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Unknown
sounding dismayed.
    „Nope. I’ll get one before winter sets in, but for now you’re going to have to grab what sun you can get.“
    Her muttered reply was lost amid the churning, clanking noises that the old washing machine was emitting. Chance
    took the opportunity to escape. Rachel was definitely not accustomed to roughing it, nor did she see anything
    particularly amusing or adventurous about having to endure the limited conveniences of life here at Snowball’s
    Chance. The fact that she was enduring them at all certainly made a man wonder about her reasons.
    But he would say one thing for her. She didn’t whine. She definitely stated her opinions on certain subjects, and
    she wasn’t above making demands, but she didn’t nag. She said what she thought, but then she went ahead and got
    the job done, anyway. Chance appreciated that attitude. It was the way he himself went through life.
    He whistled tunelessly on the way back to the coach house.
    An hour later Chance was jolted to his feet by a woman’s scream. The voice was Rachel’s, and it was loaded with
    fury as well as a certain amount of genuine fear. Chance dropped the rusted auto fender he had been studying and
    raced for the door of the coach house.
    It didn’t take him long to locate Rachel. She was lying on her back in the empty fish pond, her arms and legs
    thoroughly tangled in a length of clothesline that had apparently come loose from its moorings overhead. Two of
    Chance’s shirts and a sheet were draped around her.
    The pond hadn’t been used in years, but there was an inch or two of water in it from last night’s rainfall. Just
    enough to create a nice layer of mud. Rachel was floundering in it.
    Chance came to a halt at the edge of the fish pond and stood studying the situation. His new housekeeper looked
    touchingly vulnerable and surprisingly sweet lying in a web of clothesline.
    „Don’t just stand there grinning like an idiot,“ Rachel yelped. „Help me out of here. This is all your fault, anyway.
    You’re the one who hasn’t bothered to invest in a decent dryer.“ She managed to struggle to an upright position. The
    clothesline and assorted muddy clothes hampered her movements. „Well?“ she added challengingly when he didn’t
    move immediately to her rescue. „Aren’t you going to help me out of here?“
    „There’s no rush,“ Chance said softly as he struggled to control his laughter. „You look kind of interesting lying
    there all tangled up in cord and laundry. Sort of like a bound captive waiting for her new lord and master after a raid.“
    For an instant she just stared up at him in shock and then, to his astonishment, genuine fury erupted in her eyes.
    „Why you rotten, two-bit bastard. You lousy son of a – “
    „Hey, I was just teasing,“ he interrupted quickly, reaching down to assist her. He’d been prepared for fireworks,
    but certainly not this degree of real anger. She looked as if she hated him in that moment.
    „I should have expected that kind of humor from you,“ Rachel blazed as he helped her to her feet. She shook off his
    hand, endeavoring to free herself of the line and wet clothes without further assistance. „A man like you would think
    this was funny.“
    „A man like me?“
    „I wouldn’t expect you to have any human empathy or understanding or even a certain amount of good manners.
    You’re nothing but a self-centered, ruthless – “
    „Rachel!“ He made his voice cold and abrupt in an attempt to cut through the tirade.
    She blinked, as if she’d just realized what she was saying. Chance could almost see her reestablishing her
    self-control. Gradually her eyes cleared, the fire in her gaze diminishing rapidly as she got hold of herself. It was a
    fascinating process to watch. Chance got the impression Rachel didn’t lose control very often.
    „I think I can see why Mrs. Vinson felt this job was on a par with being shipped off to Siberia,“ Rachel muttered,
    bending down to

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