Chasing Atlantis

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Book: Chasing Atlantis by Kelly Coughlin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kelly Coughlin
each others.
    “If you are referring to making plans with Adam the answer is no. I didn’t. I was just thinking about maybe getting some ice cream later.” Their rigid faces relaxed slightly into smiles. They nodded, contempt that I was obviously thinking about Adam. Or maybe it was just because they wouldn’t have to entertain me all afternoon if I had other plans.
    After I got home, and sh owered I decided it was time for a little cat nap. I stretched myself across my bed, and heaved a happy sigh. “Now this is what a vacation is all about.” I said to myself. I know talking to yourself is generally considered unhealthy, but so long as no unusual voices answer back I think it’s completely normal. I fell into a light sleep.
    I awoke to the noisy buzzing of my phone. I was dazed, but instantly jolted awake as soon as I moved. All my muscles hurt. I looked at the message on my phone, regretting it instantly.
    The message I’d been waiting for came in from my best friend. Only it was not what I was expecting. Greg didn’t leave me to go have fun, he left me for her, my best friend. Suddenly all the clues clicked together and everything made sense; like why they never seemed to notice anything else when they were around each other, why both of them felt oddly distant from me lately, and all the inside jokes they shared without me. All I could think about was them; their bodies inclining slowly towards one another, their hands intertwined as they gazed into each other’s eyes. It was enough to make me wretch.
    “Stupid, back-stabbing, wench of a….” I muttered as I jumped off the bed. I was too angry to stay in the house, especially if Mom got any more ideas of what mothers and daughters were supposed to do together.
    I paced back and forth across the ostentatious pink room. I had to leave but I didn’t know where to go. I didn’t want go call Adam. I didn’t really want to discuss this with him. My hands were balled into fists at my side. I’d never wanted to hit something quite this badly. Not because of Greg leaving me, but because I’d lost my best friend to the jerk.
    I could feel tears welling up inside me, they weren’t going to come out. I wouldn’t let them. I grabbed a pair of old sneakers from the closet, pulling them on, quickly pulling my hair back into a messy bun.
    I took my car keys and cell phone, not thinking of bringing anything else. Gaby was sweeping the already spotless kitchen floor when I came down the stairs.
    “Tell them I went out, and that I have my cell phone if they need me.” I grumbled.
    “But, Amy, when are you going to come ho—”
    “When I get home.” I slammed the door. I knew it was mean but I was too angry to really regret it yet. I just had to get out of there.
    At first I wasn’t sure where to go in this boring city, I felt like an unwelcome guest. Eventually I drove down to the only place I ever felt welcome, despite my little problem yesterday; the tourist beaches. I went farther out this time just in case that stinking life guard was there again. I didn’t want to take any chances. The only way to calm myself down, when I get like this, without going to jail, is to run.
    The gentle even patting of my feet against the hard ground, the wind pushing through my hair, my lungs collapsing; begging me to stop, but you push yourself until you absolutely can’t go any further. It wasn’t quite evening when I approached the beach even though most of the tourists had packed up for the day. There were still a couple of skim boarders loitering around, showing off just for the fun of it.
    I already felt calmer as I started jogging down the coast. I let the frustration I’ve felt over the last couple of days push me; from being forced to spend the entire summer before my senior year with Mom, to being practically shoved at Adam. I wanted my life back. I could feel it quickly slipping out of my control.
    I also wanted to help Gaby. I let my mind wonder about possible

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