Child of Blackwen (An Artemis Ravenwing Novel Book 1)

Child of Blackwen (An Artemis Ravenwing Novel Book 1) by Melanie Rodriguez Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Child of Blackwen (An Artemis Ravenwing Novel Book 1) by Melanie Rodriguez Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melanie Rodriguez
the other’s throat, keeping him at bay.
    “Fools! You bring us unwanted attention!” Netira yelled. “The elves will no doubt investigate and learn that full-bloods now dare to enter their territory.”
    “Still your nerves, Netira,” the one she had smacked said, rising to his feet. “Mistress Arlina ordered us to move within the elven borders. Did you not know this?”
    Netira shifted the point of her sword to the other’s throat. “Be silent! You disgrace the full-bloods of Blackwen City with your sloppy hunting! If this starts a war, may Avilyne herself stop me from beheading you both.”
    “Let there be a war,” he retorted. “More blood for me.”
    Before the other full-blood could add to his comrade’s comments, Netira swung her sword and beheaded him. The other full-blood was stricken; he hadn’t expected it at all.
    Shadow shut his eyes momentarily. This did not bode well at all for the woodland elves.
    “It appears Avilyne did not favor him.” Netira twirled her sword and watched the blood fly off the blade. She glanced at the remaining full-blood and pointed the sword at him again. “You will tell me why the Mistress sent you here or you’ll share his fate.”
    The full-blood gulped and twitched nervously. “M-Mistress Arlina sent for us to scout the elven lands and to listen to their words. I don’t know what we were supposed to listen for exactly. We weren’t to return until we felt we gathered enough observations worth reporting back.”
    “How long were you stationed here for?” Netira demanded.
    Shadow grew wary as he watched her irises shift color. They weren’t turning red, but silver. No full-blood was known to carry that trait; it was one carried only by dhampirs.
    “For nearly two full moonturns.”
    Shadow gripped his bow in anger at these words.
    He watched as Netira mirrored his frustrations. Shadow rubbed his eyes, as he swore that Netira’s jacket was growing bigger.
    “The two of you didn’t think to feed on animals rather than the elvenkind while stationed here?” she berated him. “You two jeopardized the safety of our city because you could not keep your bloodlust in check!”
    “Apologies, Netira,” the full-blood murmured. Then he folded his arms in defiance. “Enlighten me, though. How do you think the Mistress would take the news that her Second not only ran off on her own, but is also a dhampir in disguise?”
    Netira shut her eyes for a moment. Upon opening them, she swung her sword and beheaded the remaining full-blood. Ignoring the defiant stare of the dismembered head that was aimed toward her, she wiped the blade along the earth and sheathed it.
    “Avilyne’s hell…I forgot the damned charm. He’ll be pissed.”
    She sighed as she piled the bodies together and held out a hand. Shadow was amazed as it glowed a bright shade of orange, and the bodies ignited in flame.
    Netira removed her jacket, revealing large black wings similar to those of a bat.
    “If Arlina keeps this up…” Netira said to herself as she watched the bodies burn, “then the city will truly be damned.”
, Shadow thought to himself.
I thought it already was. What is going on over there?
    Netira shook her head and suddenly looked fatigued. Shadow realized Netira did not control natural magic. Those who could did not tire so easily. Before he could speculate further, she spoke again. “It’s time. I can’t stand by and let the possible destruction of my home happen.” Looking once more at the fire, Netira lowered her head. “May the next life serve you better than this one did, elf. This was the least I could do.”
    Shadow watched her disappear into the darkness. When he couldn’t sense her presence any longer, he jumped from the branch and inspected the ash from the fire. Shadow shut his eyes and muttered an elven prayer of passage for the fallen elf. After he finished, he ran back to Talisa’s cottage and met with Azrael.
    Riding away from the cottage and back to

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