
Deliverance by Adrienne Monson Read Free Book Online

Book: Deliverance by Adrienne Monson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Adrienne Monson
deep and even breaths. She heard the material of Nik’s trousers fill the silence when he shifted a few times, but wouldn’t open her eyes to look at him.
    After what felt like a couple of hours, Nik cleared his throat. She didn’t budge. “Samantha,” he said softly. “I know you’re awake.”
    Sighing, Samantha opened her eyes and sat up. There were no lights on, but some filtered in through the open curtains. It was enough for her to make out Nik’s form, sitting cross-legged on the thin carpet.
    “Of course I’m awake,” she replied in an equally soft tone. “I’m worried about my friend.”
    His silhouette nodded. “Leisha is strong. She’s survived many things that would destroy anyone else—even vampires. She’ll get through this, too.”
    Her mouth fell open. “How can you just be so calm about this? The immortals want her dead!” she hissed. “She could have been decapitated back at the house and we’d never know.” Samantha tried to blink back tears, but several splashed over her cheeks.
    Nik was at her side in an instant, his hands slowly coming around her shoulders.
    She batted him away and angrily wiped at her face. “I don’t need you to comfort me. I’m not seventeen anymore.”
    He continued to kneel by her side and she finally looked up at him. Even in the dimness, she could see a tick in his jaw line.
    “Even though you may not want my comfort, believe me when I tell you that she’s not dead. You’re her human servant, remember? If she dies, then you do, too.” His hazel eyes gleamed in the dusky light. “We’ll figure out a way to find her and get her out. I won’t let either of you go that easily.” He moved back to his guard position as quickly and silently as he’d come.
    Samantha laid back down, uncertain what to think. It was rare when Nik showed that kind of emotion. The last time she’d witnessed anything like that from him was three years ago when she’d believed they loved each other. Staring at the window, she forced herself to keep her mind blank. Sleep never came, but at least her brain shut off enough for her to relax for a bit.
    When the night sky changed from black to a husky blue beyond the window, Samantha rose and quickly got ready. She shook Liam lightly to wake him. The boy’s emerald eyes popped open, confused and unfocused.
    They entered the docks just before the sun came up. There were a few men walking over the wooden boards, heading to different ships docked in the area, but it was mostly empty. The scents of brine and rotting fish seeped through the foggy morning as Samantha led the others to the ship they wanted. It took just a few minutes of wandering before Liam spotted it. It was a big container ship, with hundreds of large crates lining the deck.
    The captain was waiting for them as they walked up the gangway, picking his slightly yellow teeth with a knife. “Where is Patricia?” he asked as he studied Nik with a narrowed gaze.
    “She couldn’t make it,” Samantha informed. “But I’m sure you remember me. I came with Patricia to all of your meetings. And since you’ve already been paid, what does it matter if we’ve switched around the passenger list?”
    He nodded and gave a tight-lipped smile through his day-old stubble. “Of course. How I could forget a pretty lady like you?” he asked in a flat tone. “It’s Heidi, right?”
    Samantha nodded and gave as warm a smile as she could muster. The captain gestured for them to follow him. They were led past the open deck, into the small, stuffy quarters below. They climbed cramped ladders to the lowest level of the ship, below even the large merchandise the captain was exporting.
    “This area is just above the bilge, so it is pretty musty, but shouldn’t affect your lungs too much.”
    She threw the older man a startled look, but he was pushing a hidden lever and didn’t notice. A panel in the wall opened to reveal a large room that could fit approximately thirty people. It

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