Chocolate Reality

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Book: Chocolate Reality by Steena Holmes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Steena Holmes
Tags: Fiction & Literature
    “Hmm, I don’t think a chick night is exactly my thing, but thanks anyways.” I froze. That voice did not belong to sweet, feminine Tracey. Instead, it was a deep and definitely masculine Jude. Once again, this is not the way that I wanted to see him. Not in flannels, apron and slippers. Not with me bending over my stove door, face flushed. I straightened up slowly, carefully placed the brownies onto my counter and tried to halfway compose myself.
    “Um, no. Chick night definitely would not suit you. Sorry, I um, thought you were Tracey,” I apologized. Talk about embarrassment. If a hole could materialize and sweep me out of this kitchen right now, I’d claim it was a miracle.
    “This is a nice place you have Wynne. It feels homey, and, well, you. It seems like you created what you always desired – a home,” said Jude while he glanced around my kitchen/dining area.
    “Yes, I have done that. It’s not complete yet, but one day,” I said. To make my home complete, I desire to have my husband and lots of children fill it.
    I was able to buy my dream home a few years ago. It is an older style home, complete with hard wood floors, old wood details around the door frames and windows, old furnace heaters in every room and wood sliding doors between my living room and dining area. It was a bit run down when I bought it, thus enabling me to get a good deal, but with a lot of work it’s amazing. I’ve decorated it with the sparse decore. A little bit of shabby chic meets the primitive look. It doesn’t suit everyone’s taste, but I love it. And it doesn’t hurt that a lot of my accessories comes from my store either.
    “So Jude, what brings you by? Where is Stacey? Does she trust you alone with me?” Okay, okay, I admit there was a bit of sarcasm in that last comment. I should apologize, but I won’t.
    “Be nice. I thought we should talk. As for Stacey, she knows where I am and why. I left her with mom going through those dreaded photo albums that all mothers seem to bring out at the wrong times. I needed to get out and thought to come over here. I hope you don’t mind me not calling first. Although,” and he is looking me up and down when he says this, “maybe I should have called first.”
    Ya, think?
    “Hey – it’s not my fault you caught me like this, and there’s nothing wrong with how I’m dressed. Tracey is coming by, and we’re having a girl’s night. Sorry, but no boys allowed,” I answered back.
    “All right, I won’t stay, but can you spare a few moments to talk? There’s something I want to tell you, and I thought you should hear it from me first.” Oh no. Those dreaded words. Don’t they just send a shiver down your back when you hear them? He’s going to tell me he’s engaged. I just know it. And why it bothers me, I’m not sure, but it does. It does a lot.
    “I plan on asking Stacey to marry me tonight. I thought that with all that we have been through, that you deserved to hear it from me first.” There’s my answer.
    It hurt. I mask my face so that it doesn’t show. I take a deep breath, and plaster the largest smile I’ve ever had to fake onto my face.
    “Congratulations. Wow. I’m … happy for you Jude. That’s great. Stacey seems like a great person, and, well, I’m happy for you.” Call me the queen of fakeness.
    “Are you really? I know it shouldn’t matter, but it does. Part of me feels bad for finally having found someone I love with all my heart, while you are still, well, you’re still here. Waiting.” Jude twiddled his fingers.
    Ouch. I feel like I’ve been kicked in the gut by a sumo wrestler.
    “I just wanted, no I needed, well - I’m not sure why I wanted you to know first. I know we once had something special, but I couldn’t stand knowing that I would always take second place in your heart. I finally realized what you meant by not taking second best. We would have been good for each other, but you’re right. We would have been

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