Chocolate Reality

Chocolate Reality by Steena Holmes Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Chocolate Reality by Steena Holmes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Steena Holmes
Tags: Fiction & Literature
settling.” Jude walked across the length of my kitchen and back again.
    Was I supposed to answer? Did he want me to agree with him?
    “I don’t feel I’m settling with Stacey. She’s the absolute best. I love her. I hope you can be happy for me?” Jude looked at me with those big puppy dog eyes. I never could refuse him anything when he looked at me that way.
    “Of course I’m happy for you. She must be very special to have claimed your heart Jude. I’m happy for you.” Didn’t I just say that? “I’ll admit it’s a hard pill to swallow. You are going to have what I always dreamed of having.”
    I could feel the tears well up in my eyes. “I think I always thought that once I could let go of the past, once I gave up that dream I have, you would be the one to have me with open arms. I am happy for you. You’re moving on with your life while I’m stuck living in the past.” I replied in honesty as I turned away from him to hide my tears. I might be honest to a fault, but I don’t need to share my one weakness with everyone.
    Jude placed his arms around me, giving me a hug. I stiffened up; after all it’s been three years since I was last in this position. But I gradually begin to feel safe and let myself relax a bit as tears continue to run down my face. It feels nice to be in a man’s arms again, even if he isn’t my man.
    I take a big breath and gently step away from the embrace. It’s a good thing I did, for at the same time I hear my front door open and close, with Tracey calling out a greeting as she closes the door.
    Jude steps away slowly until he’s back leaning against the kitchen counter. I quickly wipe away my tears and try to appear busy while I compose myself. With a quick look to Jude, I call out to Tracey.
    “In the kitchen.” Before I can begin to warn her that Jude is here, Tracey calls out while she’s walking.
    “Hmmm, something smells good. Please tell me you made the...” She falters as she enters the kitchen. She glanced from me to Jude and back again. “Brownies,” she finishes a bit lamely.
    “Hey Tracey. Nice to see you again. I just came by to talk with Wynne. But I’ll scoot now since I know you guys have other plans that don’t include men” greets Jude as he offers a bit of a goofy smile.
    “Jude. Hi. You’re definitely the last person I expected to see today. But hey, you’re looking good. So … before you skiddaddle, what did you have to talk to Wynne about that couldn’t wait until your girlfriend was around?” Tracey said. Oh oh, Tracey’s in full-blown mother hen mode. Ruffled feathers and all.
    “I ah, er, well, um, I had some news to share with her,” Jude stammered.
    “And what type of news would that be? Does it affect her at all? And what type of news would you have to share that Stacey couldn’t be here …” Tracey slowly stopped, cluing into what that news could be.
    “Yep, you guessed it Tracey,” I began. I decided to try and rescue the situation a bit here.
    “Jude is …”
    “I am …”
    We both began at the same time, and stopped at the same time.
    “It’s your news Jude, you share it,” I offered.
    “I am going to ask Stacey to marry me, and I wanted to tell Wynne before she heard it from someone else,” Jude explained to Tracey.
    “And I’m so thrilled,” I injected, “that I’m going to throw them an engagement party.” Now where in the world did that come from. Me and my big mouth.
    “You are?” both Jude and Tracey said together. And both sounding a little bit shocked.
    “I am,” I answered with a ring of finality to it. After all it might be a good decision in the long run. This way none of the busybodies of our town will talk about poor Wynne, the jilted (in their eyes) bride.
    “I am. Doesn’t that sound like a splendid idea? After all, I love parties, and I love to throw them. Why shouldn’t I do this? I want to, plus it will stop all the gossip about my supposedly broken heart if I do this.” I said.

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