Christmas With the Colburns

Christmas With the Colburns by Keely Brooke Keith Read Free Book Online

Book: Christmas With the Colburns by Keely Brooke Keith Read Free Book Online
Authors: Keely Brooke Keith
“Oh hello, Nicholas. Come in.”
    “Thank you, Dr. Bradshaw.” He removed his hat as he stepped
inside. His hair was freshly washed and his clothes clean and pressed. The
smell of soap clung to the air around him. He didn’t look like a farmhand who
had stopped in the middle of his day to run an errand in the village. “I’ve
come to return your—” His words were cut short as his gaze landed on
    Lydia’s new assistant was peering through the microscope’s
eyepiece, waving a finger across the stage and watching it pass the lenses. She
had yet to give Nicholas a glance, and it was a pity she was missing his
open-jawed stare of wonder as he took in her young female form.
    Lydia rolled her eyes at Nicholas. “Coming to return my
    He peeled his gaze away from Sophia. “Your jar.” He held out
the empty salve container she had sent home with him a week prior.
    “That’s very kind of you, but it wasn’t necessary. How is
your foot?”
    His worshiping eyes had wandered back to Sophia. “My what?”
    “The nail puncture on the bottom of your foot? The wound that
required the salve that was in this jar, which you are so kindly and
unnecessarily returning?”
    “Quite well, thank you,” he said without glancing at Lydia.
    She touched his arm and regained his attention. “Shall I
introduce you?”
    “To my new assistant?”
    “Yes, please do.” Nicholas lowered his voice. “We met long
ago. She might not remember me, but I’d like to say hello. Everett told me she
was training here now with you. He thought it might be a good time for me to
return your jar.”
    “I’ll bet he did.”
    “Never mind.” She grinned and led him toward the counter.
“Sophia, I’d like to introduce you to—”
    The instant Sophia turned to look, her smile lit the room.
“Nicholas Vestal?”
    Lydia glanced between them. “Ah, see there, Nicholas, she
does remember you.”
    Sophia beamed. “Of course, I do. Nicholas is from Woodland
too. I haven’t seen you since we were children. Well, I was a child anyway.”
She glanced at Lydia briefly. “When I was in primary school, Nicholas was
finishing high school. You were a year ahead of my sister, Alice, weren’t you?”
    “Two years actually. I believe… um, yes, two years.”
Nicholas’s fingers had a slight tremble that vibrated the brim of the hat he
held. It was a good thing Sophia was comfortable making conversation.
    “Alice and her family have been in Good Springs for three
years now. I’ve been here since July.”
    “Since July? I’ve been here since my aunt sent word to me
that the Fosters needed a farmhand over a year ago.” Nicholas fidgeted with his
hat. “I’m working to get my own flock and possibly some land here.”
    “Oh, how lovely.”
    Lydia leaned against her desk as she watched the awkward
exchange. The young man was clearly infatuated with Sophia and probably had
been coached by Everett and the other shepherds to come and talk to her. Lydia
wanted to let it play out, but it would only encourage future interruptions of
their work if she didn’t act now. She stepped to the door. “Nicholas, thank you
for so kindly returning the jar. Most people don’t think of such things. It was
very thoughtful. Sophia and I were about to begin some research, though, and we
need to get back to work.”
    “Yes, well, I should be going.” He threaded the brim of his
hat through his fingers as he backed toward the door. “Thank you again, Doctor,
for your excellent care. And Sophia, it was a pleasure meeting you again… here…
seeing you here in Good Springs… where we both live now… all grown up.” His
foot tapped the threshold and he waved goodbye with his hat instead of his
hand. “See you around.”
    Sophia’s smile held steady and she gave a feminine wave. “See
you around, Nicholas.”
    Lydia restrained her groan as she closed the door. She was
never that young. And she certainly didn’t remember

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