Cinderella Complex

Cinderella Complex by Rebekah L. Purdy Read Free Book Online

Book: Cinderella Complex by Rebekah L. Purdy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rebekah L. Purdy
just be nice and hug?”
    â€œNo!” we cried out in unison.
    Jack gripped my arm and tugged me closer to Mom. “Look at her face.”
    â€œJackson, I’m not in the mood for your jokes this morning. I’ve got to get to…”
    I closed my eyes, pleading Mom wouldn’t notice.
    She gasped. “Maggie, what in the world happened?”
    â€œApparently she’s been dating Sasquatch.” Jack handed her my torn shirt.
    What a prick. I was half-tempted to grab my wand and turn him into a giant turd. But Mom would probably make me clean it up.
    She held my shirt. Her eyes widened then her gaze fell to the tattoo mark on my wrist. Crap. I was so dead.
    â€œJack, go get breakfast while your sister and I talk.”
    He hesitated, glancing between us. “If someone at school did it, Seth and I will kick their a...”
    Mom spun around. “Jackson Charles! If I ever hear th at word come from your mouth, I’ll make you drink a bottle of dish soap. Do you understand?”
    Jack held his hands up and backed out of the room. “Sorry, I’m just saying.”
    Mom shut the door and sighed. “Grandma had the chance to talk to you last night?”
    â€œThen you’ve officially taken over for her?” She moved to my side, brushing my arm with her hand.
    â€œWait, you know?”
    She nodded. “Grandma tested me when I turned sixteen. I was the only person, other than the people she helped, who knew her secret.”
    â€œSo you didn’t want to do it?” I ran a hand through my tangled hair.
    â€œI didn’t possess the Godmother power. But even if I did, I would’ve still said no.” Mom hugged me. “My mom was gone a lot. I didn’t understand her constant disappearance. At least not until I was older.”
    The scent of Mom’s perfume clung to me as she pulled back. “It’s a lot of work, Maggie. And you’ll miss out on things.”
    â€œI know. Grandma explained it.”
    She gave me a sad smile. “I’ll try to help you as best I can. And I’ll make sure to give your dad some excuse to cover for you. Maybe tutoring…something that’d take you away.”
    â€œThanks.” Relief flooded through me. At least I wouldn’t have to lie to her. “So, any idea how I’m supposed to explain my face?”
    She quirked an eyebrow as strands of blonde hair tumbled across her forehead “Do I want to know what happened?”
    â€œFlying lessons.” I laughed, flapping my arms like a crazed bird.
    â€œIf anyone asks, you fell.” Mom walked to the door. “I’ll tell Jackson to say the same. Now, go on and get dressed.”
    With a smile, I hurried to pick out my clothes. Nothing could ruin today. Not my bruised face. Not my brother. Heck, not even Katrina. Nope, today was the day my life would take a drastic change. Four magical words. Connor. Prince. After. School.
    Jack glared at me from the driver’s seat. “How did you get Mom to believe your stupid lie?”
    â€œI told you, I fell down the stairs. Will you drop it already?”
    â€œI just want to know if someone hurt you, that’s all.”
    I rolled my eyes. “No one hurt me. Besides, you saw my face last night during Grandma’s party. No injuries, remember?”
    â€œStill doesn’t explain the shirt. And I didn’t hear you fall down the stairs.” He shifted the car into reverse. We pulled onto the main road. Jack slid on a pair of sunglasses. “Besides, when Mom first walked into the room she seemed as surprised by your face as I was.”
    I threw my hands in the air. “What? Do you think I used a magic wand and forced her to tell a lie?” At the word wand , mine slipped from my wrist and landed in my lap.
    Crap! I reached for it and tapped it against my arm. My skin tingled as it disappeared again. I glanced at Jack to see

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