Civvy Street

Civvy Street by Fiona Field Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Civvy Street by Fiona Field Read Free Book Online
Authors: Fiona Field
Maddy’s husband. Not that she could ever be held responsible for Michelle’s actions but somehow there was a bit of her that still felt she should have worked out what was going on and put a stop to it. As always, when Maddy spoke to her, Sam wondered if Maddy had some sort of agenda. Was she reminding Sam that she hadn’t forgotten about Michelle’s appalling behaviour, or was she signalling that she didn’t bear Sam a grudge? And, as always, Sam longed to ask which it was but didn’t quite have the nerve to do so, in case it was the former option not the latter.
    ‘Hiya, Maddy,’ she said, pushing her guilty feelings out of sight. ‘Gosh, Rose is growing, isn’t she?’
    ‘It’s what babies do best – only I think she’s almost a toddler now, rather than a baby. How are the wedding plans?’
    Sam shook her head. ‘A nightmare. And worse, I invited Luke over for lunch today and he thought it would be nice if his folks came along too. I didn’t have the heart to tell him I’d rather drink drain cleaner.’
    ‘Poor you. It can’t be easy.’
    Sam shook her head again. ‘Anyway, let’s not talk about them. Oh – I haven’t congratulated Seb on his promotion. You must be thrilled.’
    ‘I’m afraid the jury is still out on that. I think promotion at such a young age mightn’t be so popular amongst those with much more seniority.’ Maddy glanced about her to see who might be eavesdropping. ‘And over and above that we’ve yet to see how I get on with Camilla.’
    Sam groaned. ‘Oh God, Camilla! I know exactly what you mean. The other day she said she wanted to put me on the flower rota. When I asked her if all the living-in officers were going to take their turn, she went a bit funny on me. She seemed to think that just because I’m a woman I’m not really an officer and so I ought to be on one of her bloody committees.’
    ‘That sounds like her,’ said Maddy with feeling. She glanced over to her husband who was having a hard job restraining Nathan from climbing on the furniture. ‘I think I’m needed – I ought to rescue Seb before Nate has a proper tantrum. Nice to talk to you and good luck with Lady Pemberton-Blake.’
    As Maddy disappeared to the other side of the room Sam saw Luke and his parents make an appearance. With amusement, she also spotted Camilla Rayner do a double-take before she almost broke her neck to get across the room and greet General Sir Pemberton-Blake and his missus. The CO’s wife’s voice – even more high-pitched and sing-song than normal – cut across the hubbub as she bowed and scraped to the visiting VIPs. Sam went to greet her fiancé and his parents and felt, as she always did, that she ought to be dropping Lady Pemberton-Blake a curtsy rather than kissing her offered cheek.
    Camilla looked daggers at her. ‘You didn’t tell me they’d be here today,’ she muttered into Sam’s ear. ‘As a common courtesy I should have known.’
    Sam was about to say that she herself hadn’t known until the day before, and anyway they were her guests and hadn’t come to see the CO and his wife, when Amanda Pemberton-Blake took her arm and drew her towards her, neatly cutting Camilla out of the conversation.
    ‘Now, Sam, I’ve found the most divine website that sells wedding napery.’
    ‘Can’t we just hire the stuff?’ blurted Sam. ‘I only want to get married once so I’ll hardly be using it again.’
    Amanda gave her a rather withering look. ‘But we’d have no idea who’d used it before.’
    Sam wondered if Amanda insisted on new sheets when she stayed in hotels or friends’ houses... if she had any friends, which, frankly, Sam doubted right now.
    ‘You must tell me all about it,’ gushed Camilla, wheedling her way back into the conversation.
    Sam stood back. If Camilla wanted to talk about wedding arrangements she could be Sam’s guest.
    Across the room Maddy parked Rose in her chair by a nearby coffee table, scooped up Nathan and sat him on her

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