Claiming His Need
the Valkoisus was a more traditional or modern pack, there would be rules to follow. History to uphold. Respect to be shown. Erring on the side of a more traditional pack setup, I rubbed my chin along the side of her face, just a quick show of affection before I placed my lips against her ear.  
    “When all this is done,” I whispered, the words long forgotten suddenly coming to dance across my tongue. “I will come for you, my mate. Let me make you safe, and then I will come. The fates have bestowed upon me a bond that I intend to honor. I will meet with your Alpha to show my worth, and I will court you as you deserve. Do you accept my promise?”
    I pulled away to look into her eyes once more. They were so wide and filled with wonder. I waited, unsure if she knew the old ways or if she expected a more modern mating. It wouldn’t matter to me so long as she was mine.
    After several seconds, she smiled and nodded before ducking her head, a pink flush creeping up her chest. I nearly whooped in joy. My mate, my fated one, was blushing at my words.  
    “You will be safe—I promise you.” I shifted my gaze to Pup, glaring into his lupine eyes. “Anything happens to her, anything at all, and I skin you alive. Do you understand?”
    Pup whined and yipped all at once, showing his acceptance and his fear. Every shifter in that dark, dank room knew exactly what had happened, how the beautiful creature and I were now bonded. Only an idiot would cross a dominant male when it came to his mate. Besides, Pup had screwed up when Rebel’s mate had needed his protection, and he’d taken his lumps for that mistake. I doubted he would allow anything to happen to a mate of one of the Breed brothers again.
    “Ladies, we need to roll out,” Sandman said, following Shadow through the opening while holding his arm out for the other two women to join him. I would be taking up the rear, following Pup as he guarded my mate.  
    The woman I knew nothing about.
    “What’s your name?” I placed my hand on her lower back and led her toward the opening.  
    She smirked at me, the curve of her lips both wicked and sarcastic. Her eyes practically glittered in the low light of the cave, every inch of her screaming her excitement. That look, that energy, was the first sign of exactly how much trouble I was in.  
    “I guess you’ll find out when you come for me, mate.”
    She stopped and lifted up on the balls of her feet as she yanked me down by the armholes of my leather Breed cut. Her lips met mine for the briefest of touches, hot and soft, making every ounce of blood rush to my already-aching cock. That kiss…our first kiss…was better and more arousing than all the other kisses I’d experienced in my long life. It was filled with unspoken promises and hope for the things we’d both been missing. I wanted to whine with frustration when she stepped away.  
    “Be safe,” she whispered before placing another soft kiss to the corner of my mouth. One final glance at the rest of the group, and then she walked out of the alcove. Her fingers brushed the fur on Pup’s neck as he plodded along beside her. I’d never been so jealous of someone else’s neck.
    I adjusted my cock through my pants and blew out a breath. And then I grinned. I was so fucking screwed, but in the absolute best way possible. I just had to kill a few nomads and wash the blood from my hands before I could go courting.


    I curled my hand in the fur of the wolf beside me, taking comfort in the feel of the rough strands between my fingers. Though the animal was a stranger to me, I felt safe with him. The past few hours had been the worst of my life, and I wanted to go home to my family and my pack. My eyes drifted to Lanie. The bruises on her face and arms enraged me yet made me feel useless at the same time. Our packsister Helina and I had been unable to protect her from the short nomad who’d batted her around like a tennis ball. They’d called her weak

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