as soon as he climbed into bed. “You make me feel things I’ve never felt before. Wonderful things. Only you seem able to scatter my thoughts, fire my blood and make me hunger for your touch and taste.”
“Good.” He lifted her by the hips, and then he was inside her, scattering her thoughts, firing her blood and making her hunger for his touch and taste. Leaning forward, she rocked against him, riding him, taking him deeper. He growled his encouragement, hands tightening on her hips to surge into her as inexorably as the tide coming to shore.
All too soon she could feel it, feel her orgasm rising from the depths of her core. Her inner muscles clenched around him. “Close,” she breathed. “So close. Come with me.”
He rolled them over, then dragged her hand between their colliding bodies, finding her clit. “Let go,” he softly commanded, holding her legs high, pounding into her with a frenetic pace. “Push us over.”
With a keening cry she did, her climax breaking over her, through her. He followed a heartbeat later, throwing his head back on a hoarse shout, coming in long pulses deep inside her.
Chapter Five
Rana didn’t think her time in the jackal stronghold could get any better. She and Hector fell into a natural pattern over the next few weeks. After breakfast she’d work on transcribing the jackals’ medical history. Hector came to her late in the afternoon so that they could enjoy an early dinner then retreat to her chambers before he went out on patrol. She’d return to the lab to work on her spells and experiments until Hector and his men returned from patrol. Then they’d make love until they fell asleep in each other’s arms.
She’d even had a breakthrough with her experiments, a promising leap forward that hinted at a cure. If she could duplicate the results with her latest trial she’d know for sure. Until then, she’d refrain from reporting to Markus and Tia. The last thing she wanted to do was give them and the clan false hope.
As the day deepened to evening, her hopeful excitement had waned. Something was different, a portent she could feel deep in her magical bones. It weighed on her, scattering her thoughts. She couldn’t concentrate on translating the old healer’s notes. She couldn’t focus enough to practice spell craft. Even her experiments couldn’t hold her attention. All she could think of was one thing.
Hector. He’d quit her bed to go out on patrol and she’d wanted to call him back, but not for more kisses. For the first time she’d wanted to keep him safe. It wasn’t her place or her right to ask him not to go. Even if she had that kind of relationship with him, she wouldn’t ask it of him.
But something told her this time that she’d need use of her healing skills sooner instead of later.
Nerves jangling a warning tune, she staged her supplies. When there was nothing more to be done in preparation for an emergency she wasn’t even sure would occur, she entered the hall, pausing before the mural depicting the stages of the journey through the underworld. “Lord Anubis, keep your children safe,” she prayed. “Keep Hector safe.”
She made her way up to the main level, dread increasing with each step. Two groups had gone out on patrol, one led by Hector. They were tracking leads to a possible nest of the Lost Ones, and if they uncovered it, they planned to attack. She knew the jackals patrolled the city and suburbs nightly. She knew they had vehicles equipped with sophisticated monitoring and communication devices. She knew they were seasoned warriors, skilled and deadly. They had centuries of experience facing off against the Lost Ones. It was the reason for which they had been created. She knew this, but it did nothing to quell the worry bubbling inside her, did nothing to stanch the apprehension that skittered along her skin and filled the air like a poisoned fog.
Tia stood in the main seating area, Amarie beside her. The Anput gave Rana a brief
Heidi Belleau, Amelia C. Gormley