Clara Meets The Parents (Clara Andrews #2)

Clara Meets The Parents (Clara Andrews #2) by Lacey London Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Clara Meets The Parents (Clara Andrews #2) by Lacey London Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lacey London
coffee, I marvel at how well the evening has gone. Admittedly, it didn’t get off to the best start and I almost fell off my chair when she finally agreed to go to the sea front massage tomorrow, but things have ended on a rather positive note.
    Finishing up our drinks, I listen to Oliver and Randy plan a golf trip like a pair of excited school boys. I have never understood what it is about golf that men find so appealing. That was until I tagged along with Marc and discovered the vast amount of alcohol and mundane man talk that was involved.
    It must be another half an hour or so before I can prise Oliver back to the room. Randy and Janie decided to stay on in the bar for a night cap, so we said our goodbyes and sneaked back to the room. As I watch Oliver fumble in his back pocket for the room key, I can tell that he has had more than enough to drink.
    ‘Do you need some help with that?’ I ask with a little laugh.
    ‘No, I got it.’ He finally manages to locate the key and succeeds only in dropping it on the floor.
    ‘OK. I think it’s time for someone to go to bed.’
    Pushing him through the door, I pull back the covers and roll him into bed, laughing as he tries and fails to remove his shoes. As I pad into the bathroom and splash cold water on my face, I hear my phone chirping from the bedroom.
    Once I have peeled off my dress and fought to remove my sandals, I find my phone buried beneath a pile of fluffy bath robes. Diving under the covers, I double tap the screen to open the picture message that is flashing up on the display. As the image springs to life, I try to focus my drunken eyes in the dark room. Is that a ring? Why is Lianna sending me pictures of a ring? My eyes drop down to the text and my heart pounds in my chest.
    He put a ring on it!!!
    Sitting bolt upright I frantically dial her number, only to be greeted by her usual, cheery voice mail. Not wanting to do this over a text message, I tap out a quick response demanding that she calls me ASAP. Opening the message again, I enlarge the image to get a better look at the ring. Wow! It’s huge! The simple, gold band is very Lianna and the beautiful tear drop rock is set off by the delicate shoulder diamonds. It really is breath taking. Popping my phone on the bedside cabinet, I roll over and snuggle into Oliver’s back, trying to block out his ridiculously loud snoring.
    As hard as I try to fall into a much needed sleep, I can’t seem to shake off the adrenaline rush. My best friend is engaged! She is getting married! The annoying little voice in the back of my mind taunts me that I am not there to see it. I wonder how he did it. Where did he do it? Did she know he was going to do it? I need all the details! It is just my luck that I would be six thousand miles away when this happens. Reminding myself that it is only a matter of days until I am back on home soil, I squeeze my eyes shut tight and will myself to drift off. It is not long before I am lost in a wedding fantasy of my own. Princess dresses, rose bouquets and sparkling tiaras surround me and before you can say ‘here comes the bride’ I am out for the count.
    The next morning, I am woken by a very energetic Oliver, who is happily brandishing a tray of breakfast goodies in my face. He plants a kiss on my nose and I allow myself a delicious, long stretch. It takes me a moment to register that he is already showered and dressed.
    ‘Why are you up so early?’ I ask, trying to focus my eyes.
    ‘Golf, remember?’ He passes me the tray and steals a strawberry from the top of a stack of pancakes.
    ‘I’m surprised you don’t have a hangover.’ Giving him a wink, I pick up a slice of French toast and take a giant sized bite.
    ‘Nope. No hangover.’ He replies confidently. ‘I do, however, have a round of golf waiting for me and you have a spa appointment with my mom.’
    Attempting a response proves tricky with a mouthful of fried goodness, so I resort to a swift nod of the head.

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