Clash of Wills

Clash of Wills by S.G. Rogers Read Free Book Online

Book: Clash of Wills by S.G. Rogers Read Free Book Online
Authors: S.G. Rogers
that wasn’t true. He’s been spotted in the Uncharted Region fairly recently—in the Kingdom of the Fae, to be exact.”
    “Then you know more about Julian’s whereabouts than I do.” Tears pricked the back of her eyelids and her throat closed up. “I miss him so much.”
    “Is that where you were going—the Uncharted Region?”
    “Yes.” She hesitated a moment before producing the magical device from her pocket. “I can track him with this enchanted compass.”
    Wills examined the instrument. “This will be useful, I grant you. But travel to the Uncharted Region requires special clothes and equipment. Have you thought of that?”
    She stared at him. “I-I suppose not.”
    “It’s difficult terrain, and the journey will have to be done on foot.”
    Samantha turned her head away as silent tears slipped down her face. Why can’t anything be easy?
    Wills made a sound of exasperation. “Why don’t you just ask for my help?”
    “I’ve deceived you from the beginning, and we don’t even get along. Why would you help me?”
    “You and I are a lot alike in many ways.” He laughed when she gave him a dubious look. “Believe it or not.”
    “I don’t believe it at all—unless you count the fact neither of us wish to marry.”
    “That’s true. Furthermore, we both crave adventure.”
    “I’ve not had any, so I wouldn’t know.”
    “How did you come by the compass?”
    “Several weeks ago, Julian sent it and a message to join him by way of our cousin Nicholas. Unfortunately, when my father learned Nicholas was a wizard, he practically threw him out of the castle before I could ask him any questions.”
    Incredulity was written on Wills’ features. “Let me get this straight. Your elder brother has asked you to travel to an unfamiliar land, alone and unprotected, by way of a secret message? Are you sure this isn’t some sort of trap?”
    Samantha’s frustration mounted. It’s as if Wills is determined to cast things in the worst possible light…and make me and Julian look foolish. “The letter was in his handwriting,” she said heatedly, “and my brother would never put me in danger. I trust him implicitly.”
    “You’ll understand if I don’t.”
    “I want to see my brother. I’ll convince Julian to return with me to Paloran. Surely my father’s heart will soften once he sees him after all this time.”
    Wills took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “All right. I’m quite keen to see the Uncharted Region, and it’s clear you need my protection. I’ll take you to your brother, but you have to give me something in return.”
    She peered at him, warily. Was this an attempt at seduction? “If it’s in my power to perform.”
    “Don’t lie to me ever again.”
    “That’s it?”
    “You sound disappointed.”
    A heated flush crept up from her neck. “Of course not.”
    “You’re blushing.” His eyebrows lifted in surprise. “You didn’t really think I would stoop to compromising your honor?”
    She shook her head. “I think we’ve established our mutual distaste.”
    “If I wanted to bed you, Princess, I wouldn’t resort to blackmail or trickery to do it.”
    Her face grew even warmer and she averted her eyes. “I didn’t mean to imply otherwise.”
    Although she hated having to count on someone else to reach her goal, she couldn’t manage alone. I need his help.
    “I accept your offer,” she said finally. “But you must allow me to repay the favor.”
    He smirked. “Since we’ve established our mutual distaste , as you put it, I can’t imagine how.”
    Wills finds the prospect of bedding me distasteful? His words stung, but she covered her hurt with a laugh. “How about I begin with buying you breakfast?”
    “It’s a deal. And not that I’m keeping score, but you saved my life yesterday. When we find your brother, we’ll be even.”

    Wills spent the morning gathering together packs, camping equipment, and fur-lined jackets for the journey. Joe and Nan

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