Clockwork Twist : Waking

Clockwork Twist : Waking by Emily Thompson Read Free Book Online

Book: Clockwork Twist : Waking by Emily Thompson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Emily Thompson
said, smiling at him smugly, “you're not the only one with a gift, you know.”
    Twist's eyes opened wide.
    “I can find things,” Arabel said with a shrug. “If I can get a solid idea of what I need, and I concentrate on it, then I just … know where to find it.  That's how I found you, too.”
    “I wondered why you came to me,” Twist said, thinking back.
    “Once we got to Nepal and saw the state of the clockwork puppet,” Arabel explained, “I knew we would need someone with great skill to fix her properly.  So, I focused on the problem, opened my Sight, and suddenly I just knew.  I knew your name, where you were, and that if you touch something that's damaged, you can see the cause.  That's what makes you so good at fixing things.  I knew you would be able to fix her.”
    “You learned all that?  Just through your Sight?”
    “Well, that was all I got, actually,” she said. “I usually get just enough information to find what I need, and nothing else.”
    “Your Sight seems very pleasant,” Twist said softly.
    Arabel watched him silently for a moment before she spoke again. “When did you first notice yours?” she asked. “Did it shock you the first time?  Or was it always there?”
    “I was always good at fixing things,” Twist said.  There was a small seat placed against the window, so he sat as he considered his answer. “I got better and better at it as I got older.  After a while, I started to see clear visions with sounds and emotions.  By the time I was old enough to read and write, I could hardly stand to touch people anymore.”
    “Is that because the visions were too strong?” Arabel asked, leaning back against the railing in front of him.
    “The emotions are overwhelming,” Twist said, shaking his head, his eyes focused on his thoughts. “The first thing I see when I touch something is what caused any problems in it.  If it's a clock or a simple machine, then it's fine.  But people…”  He looked up at her. “Everyone is broken, in one way or another.  Whenever I touch people, I see exactly why.  I feel it like it’s happening to me.”
    “So, when Zayle touched you,” Arabel began.  Twist looked away from her quickly. “But, what if nothing's wrong?” she asked, bending her head to catch his gaze again. “What happens if you touch something that isn't broken?”
    “Then it's random,” Twist answered. “Sometimes I don't see anything at all.  Otherwise, I see a random memory associated with the item, or I'm just completely aware of how it works.”
    “But, the boiler on the Vimana ,” Arabel said, thinking back.
    “Was very angry,” Twist said, finishing her thought. “Big, powerful machines have a lot of pride and anger in them.”
    “Machines have emotions?”
    “Of course,” he answered. “They have heartbeats, they breath.  Why wouldn't they?”
    “I never thought about it like that.  Sure, the clockwork princess is supposed to be alive, but a wall clock with feelings?  It just sounds strange to me.”
    “But being able to find anything you need just by thinking about it is perfectly normal?”
    “Absolutely,” Arabel said brightly. “Nothing more natural in the world.”
    “They say that there are many of us,” Twist said. “But I've never met anyone else, before.”
    “Oh, I've met loads,” Arabel said with a flip of her hand. “You need to get out more, my dearie,” she added with a playful wink.  Twist's mouth twitched against the taste of the pet name. “Sights are becoming a normal quality these days.  Still, it seems that each new Sight is unique.  I've never met anyone with the same kind as mine.”  She frowned slightly, staring at Twist for a moment. “But yours does sound familiar.”
    “It does?” he asked. “You've met someone with my Sight?”
    “Well, not exactly.” She came closer and took a seat in the window beside him.  Twist shifted away slightly. “My brother is much like you,” Arabel said,

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