Club Prive Book 3

Club Prive Book 3 by M. S. Parker Read Free Book Online

Book: Club Prive Book 3 by M. S. Parker Read Free Book Online
Authors: M. S. Parker
more lies.”
    I grinned, the mood lightening. “You said that. Not me.”
    He laughed again, the deep sound rumbling through me and making parts of me throb.
    “Thank you,” I said. I wasn’t sure what I’d find when I looked more deeply into his business, but I appreciated that he was helping me.
    “Here.” He took the file. “I’ll have someone deliver that to your desk tomorrow morning. You shouldn’t have to carry it all night.”
    He stood and held out his hand. I took it and stood.
    “Now, for your surprise.”
    “This wasn’t it?” I asked.
    He smiled, that slow, sensual smile that made me quiver inside. “That wouldn’t be very romantic, would it?” He started towards the door. “Come, let’s go eat.”

Chapter 8

    As we headed back downstairs, I kept trying to think about what my surprise could possibly be. Dinner couldn’t be it. We’d eaten meals together before.
    “Are you cooking for me?” I asked.
    He laughed and reached over to take my hand. He threaded his fingers between mine as we walked across the club floor towards the side door I’d used to enter.
    I was going to ask for a reason behind his laughter but as soon as we stepped outside, something else caught my attention. A limo was waiting. I suddenly felt very underdressed, even with my sexy lingerie.
    A thought occurred to me. This was the second time he’d had a car appear without having called. “Do you have some sort of telepathic connection with the driver?” I joked.
    “Better than that.” He held up his phone. “It’s an app.” He grinned and my stomach did a flip. “Whenever I need a limo or town car, I just press this button. The company at the other end uses the GPS in my phone to locate me and then they contact the closest available driver. I called for it when we were on our way up to my office.”
    “Well, that is a fancy little app,” I said as the driver opened the door for me.
    “Thank you,” he replied as he followed me into the limo. “And it’s quite the time saver. I haven’t waited for a ride since I helped develop it a few months ago.”
    My eyes widened. Okay, now I was impressed. I’d thought he’d just been bragging about his ability to have limos and town cars at his beck and call. “Just how much software have you developed?”
    He chuckled and shrugged, his eyes flicking away from mine for a moment before coming back again. The thought immediately popped into my head that he was hiding something, but I pushed it away. I’d already decided that I was going to trust him. I wasn’t going to let myself go back down that path over something that was probably just an embarrassed little tic.
    “Is there anything you don’t do?” I made it into a tease.
    He laughed again, this time louder. “Actually, yes, and that would be why I laughed when you asked if I was cooking for you. I’m an awful cook.”
    “Come on, you can’t be that bad.” I let him veer away from talk of work. He seemed like one of those rare guys who actually didn’t want to make everything all about how wonderful he was.
    “Trust me,” he said. “I am.” He raised our linked hands and pressed his lips against the back of mine. “I’ve screwed up boiled eggs.”
    “How in the world do you do that?” I laughed.
    “The water boiled away and the eggs exploded.”
    We laughed over that for several minutes before I finally asked, “Where are you taking me, then?”
    “Wait and see,” he replied cryptically.
    I tried to scowl at him, but couldn’t manage it. He was giving me that sideways look that made his hair fall across his forehead and made me think about what he must’ve looked like in high school. I had a feeling he’d been one of those kids who’d never gotten in real trouble in school because he’d just give his teachers that same look and they’d let him off easy. Girls would’ve

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