Club Property: Adults Only Motorcycle Club Romance: Roadrunners MC

Club Property: Adults Only Motorcycle Club Romance: Roadrunners MC by Selena Black Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Club Property: Adults Only Motorcycle Club Romance: Roadrunners MC by Selena Black Read Free Book Online
Authors: Selena Black
got to his feet.
    He walked across to the drinks cabinet and poured himself a healthy shot of brandy then lifted the glass to his lips.
    “At least give her a chance to explain before you fly off the handle,” Bella urged and got to her feet. “I’m going to bed, but I’ll let you know if I hear anything.”
    She got fed up of her father’s intrusion into her bedroom every thirty minutes or so asking her if there was any news and eventually locked the door to keep him out. The hours ticked past with no reply and the two times she tried calling again just got her through to the voicemail service. She eventually fell asleep and it was six in the morning when she woke up and tried the number again. On this occasion the call was answered.
    “Hello, Darlene speaking,” a sleepy sounding voice said.
    “Hi, it’s Bella Nelson here.”
    The voice of the girl on the other end of the line became cautiously alert and it was a sign that she knew something.
    “Oh yeah, I saw you were trying to get in touch with me, but I didn’t get the chance to do it last night,” Darlene said. “I was going to call you this morning.”
    It sounded like a lie, but Bella ignored it to go on speaking.
    “I tried to get in touch with my sister yesterday, but found out she made an excuse to leave college and isn’t there now. There was no point in landing her in trouble with her student counselor, so I was contacting her friends to see if they could shed any light on what she is doing. I spoke to Carmen Hopkins and she suggested that you were close with Carrie and might know something.”
    “Well… no, I…”
    Bella picked up on the hesitation and growing nervousness of the girl on the other end of the line straight away. She was suddenly in no doubt that Darlene knew something, so she interrupted her.
    “Please,” she said. “If you have any information about what Carrie is doing, just tell me. We just want to know that she’s OK.”
    There was silence for a few seconds before Darlene let out a sigh and started speaking.
    “Yeah, she’s OK.”
    “Do you know where she’s gone?” Bella asked.
    “It’s more that I know who she’s gone to see rather than where,” Darlene replied.
    “And?” Bella encouraged.
    “We went out to a nightclub a couple of days ago to celebrate a friend’s birthday and got talking about how everyone has someone they really want to be with,” Darlene went on. “She told me a story about an older guy she had a crush on when she was a teenager.”
    “Oh fuck,” Bella let out in a surprised tone. “Carl McCallister.”
    “She never actually told me his name,” Darlene said. “But I got the impression that she still harbored feelings for him from the way she spoke. I guess I have to take some of the blame for what she did because I told her if she was still thinking about him after being apart for a few years, then maybe she wasn’t over her crush.”
    Bella let out a groan.
    “Sorry,” Darlene went on. “It was drunken chatter in a nightclub to be honest. I didn’t really think she would do anything about it.”
    “But she did,” Bella let out.
    “She came to me yesterday morning and told me she found some websites that can be used to track people down,” Darlene admitted. “She got an address for this guy in San Francisco and…”
    “Ah fuck,” Bella spat out. “My dad is going to bloody kill her. Do you know the address?”
    “I don’t,” Darlene replied. “She didn’t tell me. All she said was that she was planning to go and see him.”
    “I can’t believe her,” Bella let out and shook her head. “Did she say anything else?”
    “No,” Darlene answered.
    “OK,” Bella said. “Thanks for your help.”
    “She’s going to kick my ass for dropping her in it,” Darlene commented.
    “I wouldn’t worry too much about that,” Bella said and let

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