Club Property: Adults Only Motorcycle Club Romance: Roadrunners MC

Club Property: Adults Only Motorcycle Club Romance: Roadrunners MC by Selena Black Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Club Property: Adults Only Motorcycle Club Romance: Roadrunners MC by Selena Black Read Free Book Online
Authors: Selena Black
out a humorless laugh. “After my dad is finished with her, what’s left of her sorry carcass might return to college.”
    “That sucks,” Darlene said.
    “Tell me about it,” Bella said. “If she gets in touch with you, tell her my dad is on the warpath and that she and her crush better find somewhere good to hide.”
    “I’ll do that,” Darlene said.
    Bella ended the call and threw her head down on the pillow.
    “Stupid fucking idiot,” she mouthed quietly, but to be honest her sister’s actions didn’t come as a complete surprise.
    Carrie had been doing unexpectedly crazy things since she was old enough to appreciate the opposite sex, and Carl McCallister was her one real weakness. She’d spent her teenage years following him around like a lovesick puppy and cried her eyes out when he started dating then married another woman.
    The rumors flying around at the time were that Carl got together with Sally Connolly as a distraction to Carrie, although Bella was never altogether convinced of the truth of it. She never got the impression that he was the type of man that would take advantage of the infatuation of a teenage girl and she guessed that Sally was just more his type. In the end it didn’t really matter because he quit the army not long after the marriage and disappeared from their lives.
    It appeared that Carrie wasn’t over her teenage obsession though and was on her way to find out if Crash really did have feelings for her. That was bad news as far as Bella was concerned, and she groaned at the thought of telling her mum and dad. There was really no other option now and she got out of her bed to have a quick shower then got dressed. Her parents were sitting in the kitchen already when she got downstairs and she felt the glare of her father on her as soon as she walked in the room.
    “Well?” he asked in an ominous tone.
    She walked across to the table to sit down beside them before she started talking.
    “Promise you won’t get mad,” Bella started.
    “Just tell us,” her father let out.
    She let out a sigh before going on.
    “I got hold of Darlene just a few minutes ago.”
    “And found out what?” her mother asked.
    “Carrie made her excuses to leave college because she wanted to visit someone,” she answered.
    “The guy she had a major crush on when she was a teenager,” Bella said.
    “Carl McCallister?” her mother let out in a shocked voice.
    “I assume so,” Bella said. “Darlene didn’t actually know his name, but we’re all fully aware that there was only one guy Carrie was fascinated with in her teens.”
    “I’ll bloody kill him,” Samuel let out through clenched teeth.
    “To be honest,” Bella went on, “from what Darlene told me, I’m sure that Carrie’s visit is going to come as a huge surprise to Carl. I don’t think he knows about it or encouraged it in any way. It seems my sister just got the idea in her head after a drunken conversation, and you know what she’s like when she gets the bit between her teeth. There’s no stopping her.”
    “Far too headstrong for her own good,” Samuel let out.
    “Yeah, well… determined, head-strong parents do tend to pass on those characteristics to their kids,” Bella pointed out.
    Samuel ignored the barbed comment as he went on speaking.
    “Did Carrie tell Darlene where she was going?”
    “Only that Carl supposedly lives in San Francisco,” Bella answered.
    “Are you sure she was telling you everything she knew?” he insisted.
    Bella lifted her arms and shrugged her shoulders.
    “I don’t see any reason for her to lie to me and didn’t get the impression that she was,” she replied. “Carrie told her she was going to San Francisco to visit the man she had a crush on when she was a teenager. I think that’s as much as Darlene really knows about what is going

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