Clue in the Corn Maze

Clue in the Corn Maze by Gertrude Chandler Warner Read Free Book Online

Book: Clue in the Corn Maze by Gertrude Chandler Warner Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gertrude Chandler Warner
said. “We just wanted to ask you a couple of questions about last night.”
    “Well, make it quick,” Mr. Sweeney said. He dumped the bucket of feed onto the ground in front of the clucking chickens. The chickens all waddled over and pecked at the food.
    “We were just wondering what you were doing in the front yard last night?” Henry asked.
    Mr. Sweeney scowled. “Same as you,” he said. “Trying to catch the guy who was prowling around the maze. I told you that last night.”
    “But we didn’t see you by the maze. How did you get around to the front of the house so quickly?” Jessie asked.
    “And how come you didn’t catch the guy?” Benny asked.
    Mr. Sweeney glared at the children. “You think I’m the one who’s vandalizing the maze? Is that what you’re saying?”
    “Oh, no, Mr. Sweeney,” Violet said right away. She would never accuse anyone unless she was sure. And they still weren’t sure of anything.
    “We’re just trying to figure out what happened. That’s all,” Jessie said.
    “Maybe you saw something we didn’t,” Benny said.
    Mr. Sweeney scratched his neck. “Well, I thought I heard something out in the field around three o’clock this morning,” he said. “So I got up and went to check it out. But I didn’t see or hear anything unusual. I was about to go back inside when I heard a car out on the road.”
    The group strolled back toward the barn. “It sounded as if the car was stopped right in front of the house,” Mr. Sweeney went on. “So I went around front to see who it was. That was about the time you folks came outside. I saw a dark figure run past, so I tried to catch him, but he got away. Then you kids caught up to me. That’s all I know.”
    “Can you describe the car you saw?” Henry asked. “We never saw it.”
    “I didn’t see it, either. I only heard it. By the time I got to the road, it was gone.”
    “Too bad,” Benny said.
    “So, did our intruder get away on foot or in a car?” Jessie wondered.
    “I don’t know,” Mr. Sweeney said. “Right now we have to think about the maze. I was looking at it this morning, trying to figure out whether the damage could be repaired.”
    The Aldens were surprised Mr. Sweeney had thought about repairing the maze at all. He hadn’t sounded very hopeful about repairing it last night.
    “Can it be repaired?” Violet asked.
    “Come see what you think.” Mr. Sweeney led them over to the field.
    Jessie gasped when she saw the damage.
    “Oh no,” Violet said.
    A whole section had been chopped down. Pieces of cornstalk and ears of corn lay scattered on the ground.
    “Of course, if it was up to me, I’d just cancel the festival,” Mr. Sweeney said. “But Ken won’t want to cancel.”
    “No, he won’t,” Jessie agreed.
    “So, I was thinking I could put up a fence to show where the path is supposed to be. What do you think?” Mr. Sweeney asked.
    “That might work,” Henry said.
    “You could paint the fence green so it blends in with the rest of the field,” Violet suggested.
    “Maybe you could even attach some of these corncobs that are all over the ground to the fence,” Benny said. “Then it would still be sort of a corn maze.”
    Mr. Sweeney scratched his chin. “It’ll be a lot of work,” he said. “If I’m going to do all that before the festival this weekend, I’m going to need some help.” He looked at the children.
    “We’ll help you, Mr. Sweeney,” Benny said right away.
    “That’s right,” Violet added. “Anything for Ken and the King Corn Days Festival.”
    “Well, it looks like Ken and your grandfather are back from town. Why don’t you go see what Ken has to say about our plans,” Mr. Sweeney said. “I’ll go get my tools. And I’ll meet you back here in a bit.”
    When the Aldens walked up to the house, they noticed Kurt’s rusty blue pickup parked next to Grandfather’s rented van. As soon as the children stepped inside the house, they could hear the two brothers

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