Code of Disjointed Letters: ( Doomsday Will Arise From the Past
hand and I extended it to her, palm up. I felt the touch of her dry, thin, bony fingers accompanied by the feeling of a strange, electrical sting. Or was it my imagination? As the astrologer held my hand and looked at it at length, she looked like someone who had been doing this for a long time. As minutes followed seconds, she didn’t utter a word. Then, suddenly staring at me, she let go of my hand and looked at me with disappointment.
    “What is it?” I asked.
    “Sometimes, even though you may really want to, you can’t tell a person’s fortune. Some call this ‘an unwritten page,’ but I just call it failure.”
    “This is what happens in the movies,” I said half in jest. “When the fortune-teller foresees something bad, she doesn’t say anything to the victim.” I laughed to myself.
    “Should I remind you of the age when fortune tellers were burned due to bad prophecy, young man?” she said, taking on a more serious tone.
    “Should I remind you that we live in a civilized world?” I asked. That disarmed her and, now, we both were laughing. “Seriously, can I ask you a personal question?”
    The astrologer nodded.
    “Do you really believe in what you feel and say? I mean, do you ever have any doubts?” I felt anxiety as I tried to make the question clear.
    “There are a lot of things I can’t prove or express, so sometimes I just let it go. Am I sure? No, I’m not, but even the possibility is enough, I think.”
    “Something like…knowing the correct answer among the incorrect ones?” I asked.
    “I think so, but rather like knowing the truth and changing people’s perception of fate. For instance, you were born with a talent, and from your youth you have communicated with others from the outside world,” she said.
    “The outside world?” I asked, surprised.
    “Let’s say you communicate with extraterrestrial life forms, or, more specifically, with entities in the solar system around Alpha Tauris. You get very famous by transferring to humanity what you have learned from them. You become their most trusted medium; you pave the way for the most powerful countries’ ability to dominate the world. But, just when you are about to win the fight and be the most powerful individual of all mankind, poof! Everything is over,” Gizem said.
    After saying, “ Poof,” she made a vague gesture with her hand.
    “ In that scenario,” Gizem continued, “because you put the weapon into the hands of a man, and he has a fate, your fate, then, is to lose as you are about to win. Even if you had direct contact with a UFO that landed in the Black Forest in Bavaria, and even if you had the technology of a very advanced age and weapons that could instantly destroy the world thousands of times, you could still lose.”
    “Wait a minute, you are talking about something that has happened. What happened? Who is the person you are talking about?” Many questions came to my mind, and I tried to ask them all.
    “Nineteen thirty-eight. Bavaria, the Black Forest. Maria O…,” she said.
    Before Gizems could finish, Feryal and Ender came into the lounge. Gizem and I fell suddenly silent as if we had been caught revealing a secret.
    Feryal had Ender sit in the armchair next to hers and she commenced stroking his hair. She was obviously a mother. She then turned to us. “Fortune-telling? Without me? I want in.”
    I laughed about how fortune-telling always attracts women, and we all began a friendly chat that became the kind of conversation I used to have back in my school days—one made just for pleasure. We were laughing, joking around, and teasing one another. The night was black, and the lights were on, but we were still having fun.
    Eventually, the boy excused himself and after I watched him go to his room, I turned to the others, “Everyone has a reason for being here,” I said. “I’m here for the promotion of my book, you for the donation to your university. But why is Ender here? Why is an

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