Parker's Folly

Parker's Folly by Doug L Hoffman Read Free Book Online

Book: Parker's Folly by Doug L Hoffman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Doug L Hoffman
Tags: Fiction, General, Science-Fiction
County, Texas
    JT was standing with his mobile high-def camera rig on his shoulder, recording Susan with the towering bulk of the old dirigible hanger in the background. They had walked about half a mile from the ranch house and were just outside the hangar. Approaching the old building, it became evident just how large the structure was.
    The station had called demanding a short clip that they could use to pique the public's interest. So, using the giant hanger as a backdrop, Susan and JT were recording a teaser spot that would be shown during the early news show—a preview of more to come on the main six o'clock news.
    “What you see behind me is a World War II era dirigible hanger that supposedly contains something out of this world,” Susan said into her hand mike while gazing intently into the camera. “Does a local rancher have his own private space program? Tune in tonight at six to see if the rumors are true.” Then, with a practiced head toss, “Susan Write, KWTEX News, reporting live from the Parker Ranch in Upton County.”
    “Zooming out and panning left, and we're clear.” JT lowered the camera from his shoulder.
    “How was it?” Susan asked.
    “Good, the sun is in the right place and the building looks huge—very impressive. You'll have them tuning in for sure.”
    “Great, that should get Ed off our backs. Now let's rejoin our host and see if there really is something worthwhile in the hangar.”
    As Susan turned toward the imposing structure, JT quickly punched the buttons that would send the short video through the relay in their van and on to the station. One of the station techs would cut it down and clean up the sound before broadcast. He had already sent some interior footage of Susan interviewing TK in his study. All the story lacked, he thought, was a spaceship.
    Following Susan through a side door in the massive structure, it took a few seconds for his eyes to readjust to the light—the West Texas sun is bright even on a hazy day. As his vision faded in, JT saw the old man in his wheelchair and standing next to him a tall figure in black.
    TK was addressing Susan, introducing the newcomer, “...and this is Lieutenant Curtis, the ship's First Officer. She'll give y'all the VIP tour. I've got to get back to the hacienda, we'll probably have more guests coming.” With that prophetic statement, he exited down the door ramp and back down the trail toward the ranch house. Freed from his two legged entourage, TK put the hammer down on his hot rod wheelchair. Its rear tires threw up twin rooster tails of sand as he sped across the scrubby brushland.
    JT barely noticed the old man's exit. He was staring at the Lieutenant—tall, broad shouldered, narrow wasted looking both very trim and very sexy in her midnight black jumpsuit. Now there is a first officer I would love to serve under, JT thought, a wide smile slowly spreading across his face, brilliant white against his mahogany colored skin.
    “...and this is my camera man, JT,” Susan was saying.
    JT quickly juggled the camera and extended his hand, “Very nice to meet you, Lieutenant,” he said. “We really appreciate you taking the time to show us around.” Her handshake was firm and business like.
    “My pleasure,” said the red haired First Officer, “if you will please follow me.”
    Wow, I wonder if they are taking applications for crew on this voyage, the bedazzled camera man thought, watching the two women as they walked up the ramp leading to the interior of the hangar. As a former Special Forces operative, JT was a trained observer. It was a habit that had been drilled into him first as a paratrooper, then as an Army Ranger and finally as a Green Beret. Being observant, paying attention to details, is what made him a good camera man and it had literally saved his ass when he was deployed in Afghanistan.
    What he was observing now was much more pleasant than trying to spot Kalashnikov toting towel-heads along a desolate Afghan

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