Cold Blooded

Cold Blooded by Bernard Lee DeLeo Read Free Book Online

Book: Cold Blooded by Bernard Lee DeLeo Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bernard Lee DeLeo
Tags: thriller
Jean gave Rachel the wave off. “I’m having a Happy Meal and a milkshake.”
    “Do you have kids, Nick?”
    “Want one?”

Chapter Four
Getting To Know You
    Nick drove off the exit he knew led to the McDonalds and noticed the pair of headlights he had been watching leave the freeway too. In the McDonalds parking lot Nick, watched the car go past. It was a tan colored late model Buick Lacerne. The Buick kept going without slowing down and Nick could not get an angle to see the plate. He ordered and paid for the food after only a slight debate between his charges. They took the order over to a table Nick had picked out away from the front windows. Nick let Rachel divvy up the drinks and food, staying on his feet while sipping from the iced tea he’d ordered.
    “Let me have Deke’s leash and one of his waste bags. I’ll take him for a walk.”
    “They came off the freeway with us, didn’t they?”
    “I’m going to see if they’re parked where they can see who gets into or out of my car. Relax, I’ll be right back.”
    Rachel nodded hesitantly and handed Nick the dog’s leash and a baggie she had brought with her, planning to walk Deke after having something to drink. Nick took his iced tea with him. He leashed the overjoyed Deke and walked him out of the parking lot. Nick stopped every time Deke sniffed anything, allowing the dog to stay engaged with whatever aroma appealed to him. Nick drank his iced tea, looking around as Deke proceeded slowly up the street. The Buick was parked in the darkness nearly fifty yards away, facing Nick from across the street. After continuing another thirty feet, Nick took a look up at the sky casually and tugged Deke toward the parking lot.
    Rachel smiled at Nick in relief as he walked toward their table after returning Deke to the car. “How we doing?”
    “Not so good.” Nick sat down. “I’m going to take them for a little ride. I’ll call Grace while I’m doing it. If I’m not back in half an hour, call a cab and have the cabbie take you to a hotel. I’ll have to take Deke with me.”
    “Why not call Grace right now?”
    “You’re not going to hurt Deke!” Jean chimed in.
    “Calm down you two,” Nick urged. “Deke and I will lead these clucks away, ID them, and be back in no time. I’m covering all our bases. If they’re dangerous people, Deke and I will lead them on a wild goose chase until Grace and Tim get here.”
    “Okay…okay, we’ll wait,” Rachel agreed, picking up her cell-phone. “You’ll call me, right?”
    “I’ll have Grace call you. Sorry this trip’s taking longer than we figured but we need to be careful.”
    Nick walked out to the Malibu and opened the trunk. He moved luggage out of the way until he could reach the rear trunk area. Lifting up a section of fiber board, Nick took out a small leather case. He reloaded the car and took the case up front with him. Deke looked at Nick from the front seat expectantly. Nick laughed and opened the rear passenger door. Spreading the bags out on the floor and seat, Nick evened the surface before motioning Deke into the rear passenger compartment.
    “Deke, buckle up, you’re in for a bumpy ride. Sorry, but no hanging out the window this trip, buddy.”
    Great, now I’m talking to the dog
    Nick sat in the driver’s seat, closed the door, and opened the leather case. He took out his satellite phone and a MAC 10 machine pistol with a forty round clip. Nick popped the clip into place and set the weapon on the passenger seat. With the phone in its Velcro cradle installed on top of the center storage compartment, Nick drove away from McDonalds within sight of the Buick. Instead of entering the freeway, Nick drove onto Gillman Road, heading East.
    The Buick followed, nearly a hundred yards back. Nick called Grace’s number, putting it on speaker. He turned off his lights, wheeled hard left, feathered the brake pedal, and slid smoothly in the reverse direction. Nick passed the Buick

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