Collected Kill: Volume 2

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Book: Collected Kill: Volume 2 by Patrick Kill Read Free Book Online
Authors: Patrick Kill
path, feeling the smooth texture of splintered bone beneath him.  In the dark expanse, at the bridge’s abrupt end, he saw the rippling wall, hinting at colors and life beyond the prison of Psychotica.  The static waves washed away darkness and spat sounds of what seemed to be laughter.
    Or was it screams?
    Crouching at the edge, he felt the ripples of separate dimensions.  A warm moist enclosure wrapped around his hand, gently luring him.  He looked back at the sand and red sky, and wondered if more of the same existed on the other side of the bridge.  Could it be a way out or just another entrapment?  Was it really an entrance to the main world, or just a cruel illusion which would bring Kalep more pain and disappointment?
    “Nothing could be worse than the waiting,” Kalep reminded himself.  He thought about Erika’s naked body and how he still longed for her, but he shook the thought off and closed his eyes.
    He stepped forward into the rippling void, feeling himself land in fluid and darkness.  He splashed, feeling his body suddenly changing.  His arms and legs were shrinking, his body seeming to be melting into itself.  He felt his backbone contracting and a sort of long, spindly tail forming behind him.  
    He splashed in the warm fluids of a canal as he frantically swam upstream.  Beneath and beside him, other beings came to view with rounded heads and squiggly tails.
    His tiny brain pulsed in the horror, his tail thrashing wildly, fighting for speed to beat the rest.
    How fucked up is this? he thought, Cast down to some kind of animated sperm.   He felt embarrassed knowing God was somewhere snickering at this new development.
    Kalep-sperm weaved in and out of traffic, using his frustration to propel him far beyond the rest.  Soon the darkness lifted to blood and water, his destination approaching.
    As the canal receded to an open area, he saw the dark matter waiting to be broken.  He knew that the egg was soft and could easily be penetrated.  But he hadn’t won yet, the fluid motions of whipping tails and shaking heads grew louder echoing around him.  Some sperm died in the journey—he could see their limp bodies being carried away into the white water rapids, drifting, spiraling, drying up in the folds.
    Kalep-sperm dove first into the spongy surface of the egg as he noticed a rather large, deformed two-tailed sperm follow the act.  But after Kalep’s tail broke off, the other mutated sperm lost only one while continuing to propel heavily forward by thrashing the remaining tail.
    Kalep-sperm’s final thrust broke the seal as he entered.
    But he wasn’t alone.
    Barely visible through the darkness was the monstrous deformed sperm with a frayed tail and a cyst-like horned head filled with what seemed to be pus or poison.  But everything else quickly blurred as the area suddenly contracted, pushing everything together.
    Following conception, Kalep was oblivious to the monster forming beside him, attached to his own body at the shoulder.
    But after the birth and the first three years of infancy, he quickly learned to fear the malign growth which sprouted from his own flesh.
    His mother had told him about being a Siamese twin.  His brother, Dick, grew silent beside him, convulsing from time to time, but nothing more.  His growth was as steady as Kalep’s though it resembled something far less human.  Dick possessed mere stumps as legs and a slender tube-like head which gave new meaning to his name.  From his oblong head, sprouted a giant exposed nasal cavity which harbored a tiny pulsing brain inside.  Sometimes Kalep would stretch over to marvel at the inside works of his twisted sibling.
    Dick’s eyeballs fluctuated within his skin, just above the giant nasal cavity.  A thin layer of skin had closed off both eyelids where only dark movements could be seen.  Further down, there was a tongue always in motion both day and night, flicking madly from side to side like a happy

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