Collecting Scars

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Book: Collecting Scars by Tee Smith Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tee Smith
lady. If only her own mother could have been more like Mrs Arnold. Minus the beating from a tyrant of a husband of course.
    “I’m here any time okay?”
    Mrs Arnold rose to her feet. “Thank you, dear, now I better get back, before the old grouch realises Xavier and I are not just at the store.”
    Asha opened the door walked with her back to the waiting room, where Xavier was waiting.
    “All good?” Xavier asked his mum, and then looked up to meet Asha's eyes.
    “Yep good to go, thanks again Asha.” She waved as she walked towards the door.
    “Yeah, thanks, Asha,” Xavier smiled as he turned and followed after her.
    “Oh, he really likes you,” Gemma crooned, as the heavy glass sliding doors closed behind them.
    Asha watched through the glass as the two figures crossed the parking lot. He really is good looking she thought to herself and so kind and gentle with his poor sick mother, who could not like that in a man? Not that she was looking for a man of course. But if she were…
    “Oh stop it Gem,” Asha waved her hand at her friend. “He is gorgeous and he could have any girl he wants.”
    “And yet, I do believe Mr Xavier Arnold wants you,” Gemma giggled suggestively.
    “I've got to get back to work.” Asha could feel her face starting to heat in a blush, she wished she didn't do that. She quickly walked back to her office, away from prying eyes.
    The afternoon consisted of two more patients. Both long term. One who just needed his care plan updated to include dietician services.
    The other was an elderly gentleman whose wife had passed away recently. He was needing to be linked in with some home care services as he was unable to care for himself but refused to go into hospice. He was still ambulant, but he was not able to cook for himself or attend to the house. His wife had been well until she died suddenly from a burst aneurysm.
    Both of his adult children lived locally, but they worked full-time jobs. Asha discussed with him what his needs were, made a few phone calls and set some care packages in place for him. He was so grateful when he left, it reminded Asha of why she loved her job so much.
    Yes, there were sad stories, often her patients died, far too young. But she was able to help them along the way to making those last weeks and months a little less stressful.

Chapter 7
    IT WAS DARK WHEN ASHA left work at six-thirty. Gemma had offered her a lift but she declined. Walking home the couple blocks to her house was actually a good time to reflect on her day. As she worked in an office all day, it gave her a good opportunity to stretch her legs. She was nearing the corner of her street when she heard a vehicle slow behind her. She did not need to look to know it was that black van again. Most days now, it would come up behind her, and then drive by slowly before taking off. Probably just some old pervert that lived nearby she decided.
    A few metres further she heard the unmistakable rumble of a Harley, turning the corner behind her. Without warning the black van sped up and skidded around the corner, onto her street and out of sight. The motorbike neared and slowed as it came closer, coming to a stop beside her. She looked over her shoulder and instantly recognised the face peering back at her through the open helmet.
    “Xavier,” she couldn't help the smile spreading across her face at seeing him.
    “Hey, Ashy-girl.”
    She had always hated being called that, a few of her Mum's boyfriends had called her 'Ashy-girl' but coming from Xavier's lips it made her stomach flutter.
    “Want to come for a ride?”
    “Ah nah, I really got to get home and cook some dinner. Thanks, though.”
    “I know you don't cook,” Xavier laughed. How did he always know when she was lying? He'd called her out again.
    “C'mon.” He reached into his saddlebags and handed her a helmet.
    “Do you always carry a spare helmet in case you see a girl you want to pluck

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