
Confession by Gary Whitmore Read Free Book Online

Book: Confession by Gary Whitmore Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gary Whitmore
turned and saw the dead colored girl Gale.  He got really curious so he walked over to her.
    He dropped his bat to the ground and knelt alongside the girl.  He touched her face, and she did not move. 
    He looked down at the beginnings of some breasts, and he curiously touched her nipples.  He squeezed them.
    He looked down at her vagina with very little pubic hairs. 
    He got curious and touched and stroked her up and down her vagina lips.  This would be the first time he saw and touched a naked girl.  Yet with her being dead made it even more exciting for some sick reason.
    He stood up and grabbed his bat, and walked away.  He stopped when he was ten feet from the scene and looked back at the two naked bodies.  He liked the feeling killing that redneck gave him.  He rushed away with a satisfied smile on his face.  He did not notice the blood on the tip of his bat.
    This would be the moment in Jimmy’s life where he enjoyed killing another human being.  August 21, 1948 would be the day that would change Jimmy’s life forever.
    What Jimmy didn’t realize, was that young Joey Sampson was also in the woods at that exact moment.  Joey had seen the part where Jimmy hit Buster with the bat while Buster was on his knees. 
    Joey cautiously followed while Jimmy rushed through the woods.
    Jimmy rushed out of the woods and entered the city limits of Boldger.  He was totally unaware that Joey Sampson had been following him.
    Jimmy saw Joey walk out of the woods from the same direction he cam from.  He got scared.  He ran off.
    Joey stood by the edge of the woods and got a little nervous knowing Jimmy spotted him.  He didn’t know what to do.
    His eyes lit up with and idea and he ran off toward the center of Boldger.
    Fifteen minutes later and Joey raced into fifty-five year old Sheriff Nate Damon’s office.  He thought that telling him what he saw in the woods would keep him in the good graces with the Sheriff.
    Sheriff Damon always wore a khaki uniform, as that was the dress code for his department.  He sat with his brown cowboy boots kicked up on his desk.  The office was typically quiet today.
    He saw Joey while he ran up to his desk out of breath.  “What the hell do you want boy?” Nate said and was irritated that Joey was in his office.  He hated colored people with a passion.
    “Mister Nate, I saw Jimmy Nalla beat some white man in the woods.  He used a baseball bat,” Joey cried out of breath.  “That man is dead.”
    Nate removed his boots off his desk and stood up.  He glared down at Joey.  “Okay boy.  I’ll check it out.  Now get the hell out of my office,” Nate said then lit up a cigarette.
    Joey ran out of Nate’s office and started to wonder if he did the right thing.
    Nate sat back down and smoked his cigarette.  He wasn’t concerned about some story coming from a colored boy.  
    Later that Saturday night, Jimmy snuck out of the house at one in the morning.  He had his baseball bat in hand while he ran off down the dark and quiet street.
    He ran through town and headed over to the colored section.  He was on a mission that could only be accomplished in the middle of the night when everybody was sound asleep.
    Three days passed and two local residents of Boldger named Elmer and Howie were in the woods hunting for squirrel that afternoon.  It would be dinner for tonight.
    They stumbled upon Buster and Gale’s naked dead bodies in the woods.
    “What the fuck?” said Elmer while he stared down at the dead naked bodies.
    “That looks like Buster Chaney,” said Howie.
    “It is,” replied Elmer and he looked pissed that Buster was killed because he and Howie were frequent customers of Buster’s Moonshine.
    “We better get Nate,” said Howie while he stared down at the dead naked bodies.
    “You’re right,” replied Elmer
    Elmer and Howie ran off through the woods to go back to their car.
    An hour had passed and Sheriff Damon and overweight

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