
Constantinopolis by James Shipman Read Free Book Online

Book: Constantinopolis by James Shipman Read Free Book Online
Authors: James Shipman
leaves Constantinople itself, and a few villages. The city, once with a population of half a million, has dwindled to less than ninety thousand according to my sources. They have almost no fleet, very few soldiers, and little food or money. The only thing keeping the city intact is the walls. They can do nothing offensively against you. They can only scheme with other petty princedoms and of course they can continue to exist in the middle of your empire.
    Constantinople must logically fall, and must become part of our empire. But all of the problems still remain. The walls make it difficult if not impossible to capture the city. If we do choose to attack the city, we risk wasting our resources and men on a fruitless siege that will sap morale and further damage your reputation. More concerning, a siege will likely serve as a lighting rod to the west, as it has in the past, and we may face not only aid from the Italians but of more concern, a Hungarian relief force.”
    Mehmet spat. “Curse these foolish Greeks. Why don’t they see reality? What a city Constantinople will be under our rule. A jewel for our empire. I would build such mosques to Allah, such palaces. I would bring people from throughout our lands to make the city great again. Why will they not just leave Constantinople to us? Why won’t Constantine see reason, see that his people and his city belong to us? Better yet, why will he not embrace the true faith along with his people? He must understand they are doomed. I do not wish to destroy his people or his city. I want to make them great again.”
    Zaganos laughed. “Always with you it is Constantinople my friend. Is there no other cup to slake your thirst? Never have I met one so young with such single-minded passion. You have a harem with thousands of women. You can sample their delights each evening. You have rooms of gold and treasure. You have enemies who you can drive from their lands with a sweep of your hand. None of this do you want. You want the impossible. Does this make you great or a great fool? I cannot decide.”
    Mehmet’s face reddened. “A great fool? Perhaps if your head is on a pole you will regret that statement.”
    Zaganos stopped his horse. “A thousand pardons my Sultan. If you do not wish me to speak the truth, do not ask me questions. I am a simple man, a soldier. I answer the questions that are put to me.”
    Now it was Mehmet’s turn to chuckle. “A simple soldier? I have seen you weave your way through the court with complex and colorful patterns. You would not have risen to your station or survived as long if you walked such a simple path.”
    “It is Allah’s will.”
    “Or it is my will.”
    “For me Sultan, they are one and the same.” Zaganos bowed slightly in the saddle.
    “Well spoken my simple soldier. Have you found a solution to my simple problem?”
    “What problem is that?”
    “How to capture Constantinople of course.”
    Zaganos sighed. “Since you wish to speak of nothing else then let us speak of that. I have no further solutions for you my Sultan. My advice remains the same. We cannot easily take the city by sea or by land. We face threats from the west, east and south. Further, the council will not approve your plan against such obstacles. We should seek other roads and bide our time.”
    “What if I solved one of these obstacles? What would you say then?”
    Zaganos looked at the Sultan, puzzled. “What do you mean?”
    “Ride with me Pasha and I will show you.” Mehmet spurred his horse into a gallop and Zaganos quickly followed, struggling to keep up with the superb young horseman.
    They rode at a brisk pace for several hours, resting their horses only briefly and talking little. Zaganos tried to inquire again several times but the Sultan would only respond with a mysterious smile. As twilight approached they crested a tall hill and reached the vast expanse of the Black Sea below them.
    Zaganos gasped in surprise. Spread before them in each

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