
Contingent by Livia Jamerlan Read Free Book Online

Book: Contingent by Livia Jamerlan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Livia Jamerlan
Tags: Contingent
choking me.
    The next fifteen minutes dragged out like hours. I watched the clock, pacing as I awaited his arrival. When the doorbell rang, I snatched my cell from my back pocket and pretended to study the most recent news highlights on CNN. I couldn’t seem desperate to see him. My skin burned when I heard the commotion at the front door. He wasn’t entering alone. A group had pulled up at the same time, or so I judged based on the voices drifting in from the foyer. Through my peripheral, I saw bodies moving around the kitchen. But my stomach dropped when I heard her voice.
    “Oh, Caleb, this is spectacular.” My head snapped up. I had to be imagining things.
    “Oh shit,” I heard Gus murmur next to me.
    I scanned the room for him. My eyes locked on his sun-like eyes before his gaze shifted away from mine. It felt like I’d been punched in the gut. No, that wasn’t strong enough. I felt as if I were buried in deep sand, unable to catch my next breath. My life was fading away. He was here with his ex-girlfriend. Kick me while I’m down, why don’t you?
    Devon and her skin tight white lace dress stood in front of him. Kennedy greeted the remainder of her guests, but my eyes were glued to Peyton and Devon. Why was she here with him? My eyes scanned the room looking for his younger sister Spencer, but I couldn’t find her.
    “Oh, Kennedy, this view is breathtaking. Right, Peyton?” Devon looked over her shoulder, stretching her hand out for him to grasp. I watched from the other side of the room. He looked down at her hand before walking to stand beside her. Devon smiled at Kennedy before she spoke, her untouched hand now placed over her heart. “You know my boyfriend, Peyton, right?” Devon chuckled. “Silly me.” Her manicured hands played with her necklace. “Of course, you know him.” Her blue eyes moved to greet mine. “He and Caleb are so close.”
    I felt a twitch in my eye. Gus’s hand reached out to grasp my leg. Never had I wanted to cunt punch a bitch as much as I wanted to at that moment. I looked at Gus and stood. “I’ll be back.” I smiled, swallowing the meteor-sized ball of hatred that threatened to erupt any second.
    I lifted my hand to stop him. “I’m going down to the beach while Kennedy’s guests say hello and have a tour of the house. I’ll be right outside.” I kept my shoulders back and a pleasant smile on my face while I yanked on the sliding glass door.
    You will not cry in front of her. You will not cry in front of her.
    I walked across the deck and down to the beach.
    You will not cry in front of her. You will not cry in front of her.
    The ocean breeze was cool, offering relief to my overheated body. I slid my wedges off my feet, leaving them on the first step and dug my toes into the sand as I headed straight for the ocean.
    You will not cry in front of her. You will not cry in front of her.
    I attempted to clear my head by focusing on the waves crashing against the packed sand, and on the ebb and flow of salty water churning against the shore. Not on the fact Devon had said Peyton was her boyfriend.
    Just breathe. No need to panic.
    “Braelynn!” Peyton’s shout came from behind me. I ignored him and continued heading down the coastline. “Stop walking!”
    “Leave me alone, Peyton!” I swallowed the painful tears that threatened to fall.
    I heard his grunts as he ran towards me. “I said stop walking, dammit!”
    The asshole had the nerve to be mad at me. “Stop walking?” I whirled to face him and my heart swelled in my chest. The smell of his cologne smacked me in the face. His scent.
    The sun was setting behind me, cold water splashed my feet, and I was there, standing in front of him. “You have no right to tell me what to do anymore.”
    “Let me explain.”
    “Fuck off, Haas.” There was too much anger inside me to hold it in.
    “Lynn . . .” He reached out to grasp my elbow and I swatted him away.
    “Don’t touch me! It

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