Cops 02 - Love on the Run

Cops 02 - Love on the Run by Kori Roberts Read Free Book Online

Book: Cops 02 - Love on the Run by Kori Roberts Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kori Roberts
at her, his expression a mixture of hunger and heat. “And I know you feel the same way. We’ve been tiptoeing around our attraction for each other long enough. I think it’s time we did something about it. I can see how much those images excite you; I can tell how badly you want to experience what she’s experiencing, feel what she’s feeling.”
    “That’s not —” Tony’s mouth silenced her, his kiss drowning out her protests. He pulled back slowly, and Bianca looked into his lust-filled gaze.
    Oh, God, how did he expect for her to think clearly when he kept looking at her like that, when those amazing lips kept stealing her breath away, when his hard body — and even harder cock — kept brushing against her and driving her out of her mind?
    “Tony.” She made one more feeble attempt to dissuade him. “I really don’t think…”
    “Shh.” His lips found hers again. “Stop thinking so much. Spend the rest of the weekend with me. Let me show you what true submission is like, how good it can be…how good it can feel. And, if you decide that you don’t like it, or it’s not for you, it’ll never happen again, and we’ll still be friends.”
    “And…if I do like it?” Bianca managed to whisper.
    The look on Tony’s face was pure sin. “Then I’ll show you things you’ve never dreamed.” Tony nuzzled his lips up her neck. “Make you do things you’ve never imagined.”
    He kissed along her jawline. “And you’d love every minute of it.”
    Tony stared at her intently, as if he could actually see the internal battle she waged.
    “Listen to me, Bianca,” he finally said. “I’m not proposing marriage here. I’m not expecting a lifetime commitment. I’m just offering a weekend of pleasure, a chance for you to explore something new, maybe even discover a part of yourself that you didn’t know existed. We can worry about all of the ‘what-ifs’ later. Let’s enjoy ourselves now and see what happens.”
    Even as the voice in Bianca’s head screamed for her to leave, warned her that this was a bad idea, a big mistake, something she’d end up regretting later, the ache in her body whispered for her to stay, begged her to ignore that voice, and enjoy the pleasure that Tony promised.
    Bianca met his eyes and saw the same passion, the same need burning in them that had her on fire, and the last of her resistance slipped away.
    She lifted her head until their lips met, and she kissed him. Her tongue slid between his full lips, searching, finding, and mating with his until he was groaning and she was practically vibrating with need.
    Suddenly, Bianca couldn’t hold back a second longer; she urgently needed more than just his lips touching her. She began moving, her hands frantically clutching at Tony, one hand sliding over his closely-cropped hair, pulling his head toward her, desperately trying to get closer to him, wishing she could crawl up his body and deep inside of him.
    Tony groaned and pressed her back against the desk. One hand tangled in her hair, and Tony held her head steady as his lips devoured hers. Bianca couldn’t kiss him hard enough, couldn’t get her mouth open wide enough, couldn’t take his tongue in deep enough to satisfy the insatiable need that raged through her. Tony’s free hand cupped her ass, and he lifted her as if she weighed nothing. Her legs opened immediately as he pressed his hard, thick erection between her spread thighs. Bianca moaned into his kiss, and she rubbed her jean-clad pussy against him. He had her so hot and horny, her entire body rocked with spasms as she inched closer and closer to an orgasm.
    Slowly, Bianca dragged her lips away from his. “I think I’m officially out of arguments,” she panted.
    Tony looked at her through heavy-lidded eyes. “It’s about time.”

Chapter Four
    Since the moment Bianca first entered his house, Tony had come to several realizations. She was even smarter than he gave her credit for, she was funnier than

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