confirmeds. In the Warp-E, the outlying lines of ships would be in warp drive, traveling between warp minimum and warp three, while a rear line and center piercing line were on impulse power. If the Enterprise were caught in that formation, no matter what tactic she used, she would be confronting fully prepared ships. Kirk saw that McCoy had come on the bridge. He stood near Mason, hands gripping a railing, wearing his tailored expression of overbearing interest.
"Mr. Sulu," Kirk said. He paused. Sulu turned, waiting. "Maintain course, steady as she goes."
"Sir, we will pass within range of their formation," Yimasa said.
"I assumed as much, Mr. Yimasa. Any signals, Uhura?"
"None, Captain."
"Steady, then. Steady." He sounded as if he were reassuring a horse, Mason thought. Kirk patted the chair arms and stared intently at the forward screen. Veblen stood to one side, trying to look chastened and not entirely succeeding.
It was at a time like this that Kirk felt he was almost in telepathic communication with Spock. The science officer's mere presence was enough to make Kirk believe that, somehow, he was doing what Spock would suggest.
"Fifty-seven light minutes."
"Status report."
"All stations manned and ready, Captain."
"Conditional red alert." Again the sirens, and the ticking off of acknowledgements on his command console.
Always the rush of adrenaline, which the caveman had used to prepare for the wolf or cave bear … and which Kirk was now using to prepare himself for a fleet of high-technology battle cruisers, deep between the stars, between dimensions.
Veblen swallowed audibly. His first time, Kirk thought. Good for him. Mason hadn't moved. She kept glancing between Kirk, Spock and McCoy.
"No reply, Captain," Uhura repeated.
"Spock, are we tapping their ship-to-ship?"
"Yes, Captain. They do not appear to be in a state of great alarm. Other than that, I cannot read the signals clearly. They may be false."
If that Kshatriyan son of a bitch was making him put his crew through a conditional red, just to get his jollies …
"Two light-minutes," Yimasa said. "Within range."
"Warp-E shearing and closing," Chekov said.
"Full red alert," Kirk ordered.
"Impulse ships going to warp minimum," Chekov said.
"Formation closing on us, sir," Sulu reported.
"Prepare for combat, damage alert imminent."
"Captain!" Uhura held her hand to her ear. "A message from the Prime Commodore. He wishes us the best of Creator's luck, and acknowledges receipt of our permission to pass through the neutral zone …"
Kirk, McCoy and Mason let out their breaths at almost the same time. Kirk looked at the computer officer with a wry grin. "Well, Mr. Veblen?"
"What did the monitors suggest?"
"That we shouldn't worry, sir. The Kshatriyans are unable to engage in a full-scale war at this time, have no need to do so and are renowned for enjoying testing their adversaries. The monitors concurred down the line with your actions, sir."
"Very glad to hear that, Mr. Veblen. Why was the message so urgent, then?"
"Why, sir, I felt there was no need for tension, if all was to go well. Wasted energy."
"Quite, Mr. Veblen," Kirk said, glancing at Mason. "Quite."
Chapter Seven
When Mason entered Uhura's quarters, the communications officer had just come off duty and was changing into a flowing orange and red robe, decorated with a fringe of leopards stalking through jungle grass. Uhura smiled at her and offered a glass of wine from the cabin autochef.
"That was really something," Mason said, sitting on the edge of her bunk. "I'm not sure I've ever been more scared."
"It was a bluff," Uhura said. "I think most of us were aware of that. I'm sorry there wasn't more time to prepare you."
"The captain didn't behave like it was a bluff."
Uhura laughed. "Poker face."
"And everybody seemed relieved when it was over."
"Well, you can never tell what a Kshatriyan might do. Do you know much about them?"
Mason shook her head. "Only