Countess of Desire (The Young Ancients Erotic Moments Book 1)

Countess of Desire (The Young Ancients Erotic Moments Book 1) by P.S. Power Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Countess of Desire (The Young Ancients Erotic Moments Book 1) by P.S. Power Read Free Book Online
Authors: P.S. Power
at Debbie, her friend, and then hugged both of them. It was a little awkward,
given the relative sizes, but got the point across.
    "I was
just going over that I've been a rather huge bitch to Petra, and should fix
that. I said that we were friends, but never sought to actually become closer
to her, have I? That needs repair. I'm not going to get to it any sooner by
putting it off, am I?" It was a real enough idea, but for some reason her
husband softened a lot, and let his hand fall to her upper back.
would be good. I haven't wanted to suggest anything, since I know that there
are old matters involved, but..." People were starting to come out, so he
hesitated to speak.
    It made some
sense, given that Debbie was right there with them. She was Tor's good friend.
Possibly lover, though if that was the case, it was hard to see when they might
have met up for such things. Not that she'd blame either of them for taking the
chance, if it did come up. They were both wonderful people.
    The thing there
was that her friend didn't know about the harm that Maria had once done to
Torrance Baker, when they were both so very young.
    For some
reason, possibly foolishness, she let her face go wry and touched the other
woman on the shoulder. She froze a bit, which was strange, since she was used
to being touched by Maria, in a friendly fashion. It probably meant that she
was worried about giving offense at the moment. Why though? Did she think that
Maria was about to go into a combat rage? Since she didn't have that condition,
it wasn't likely. Still, she was a Countess, so possibly that was enough to set
the woman on the defensive?
    Blinking she
realized that Marvin had touched Debbie at the same time. That could, no doubt,
be hard to work out, using normal social rules.
    Nodding she
grinned a bit.
    "I'll see
if I can set something up? For now, Debbie, would you be free tonight? I'd like
to spend the evening with you, and Marvin. We've never done that sort of thing.
If that's objectionable, or if you have other plans, I'll understand. I don't
mean to come between you, but I do think of you as being one of my best
friends." There. The truth was out, and if anyone in the world had a
problem with it, they could go and fuck themselves, because she certainly
wouldn't be doing that kind of person.
    To her relief,
Debbie smiled back and reached out to her.
would be most welcome. I've been trying to think of a way to bring the topic up
for a while, but... Well, I didn't know if that was a thing that you'd like?
Count Ward is your husband, and I don't know if you... enjoy women that way.
We've never spoken of it." She seemed very shy, and a light rose color
came to her face.
    She really
looked very attractive, in the early evening sun. It would be light for a few
more hours, and like her, Debbie didn't seem to feel the heat of the day.
Things were a bit damp, but not that trying. It was the same reason for both of
them, Maria didn't doubt. Despite her lower social position, Debra Smalls was a
very wealthy and powerful woman, with extremely good connections. She sold
magic amulets and items and could no doubt afford her own without hardship.
    Maria smiled
and took the slightly smaller woman's hand. She was about five-nine or so, and
not tiny really, but Maria was nearly seven inches taller, which made a
    "I do enjoy women that way. I didn't know that you not having that information would
be what was stopping us, or I would have brought it up before. Still, I promise
Marvin, I won't steal her away all the time. I know that you two are
close. Now, let's get settled for the meal? I think that you should sit with
us?" There was a sidelong glance at Marvin, but the Count looked down,
smiled and then gave a slow nod of his head. It wasn't exactly appropriate to have a common woman at the high table like that, but this also
wasn't a state dinner with high ranking people being displaced for it either.
Not yet at any

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