Cover Up (Cover #2)

Cover Up (Cover #2) by Kim Black Read Free Book Online

Book: Cover Up (Cover #2) by Kim Black Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kim Black
to gain her trust . But I didn’t want to abandon her, either. She had suffered greatly at her mother’s hands because her father had abandoned them; most likely to escape the crazy woman he’d married.
    I wasn’t sure what I was going to do , but I couldn’t think clearly at the hospital. I needed a day to step back from the situation and come up with a plan that would work for her – one that would not destroy me if her memory returned.
    Reaching my apartment, I climbed out of my Honda Accord two-door coupe and made way inside. I tossed my keys on the mahogany coffee table, fell onto the grey couch in the living room, and dropped my head back. It had been one hell of a day, and I felt both mentally and physically drained. Unwilling to make the journey all the way to the bedroom, I lay my exhausted body on the couch, and willed my mind to settle. I would deal with everything tomorrow, for now all I wanted to do is sleep.
    It didn’t take long for sleep to welcome me, but my ringing doorbell intruded on my desperate attempt at rest. I found myself, once again outside of sleep’s reach. I jumped up, glanced at the clock, saw that only thirty minutes had passed, and groaned. I was not expecting any visitors and almost wanted to ignore the high-pitched sound shrieking throughout the house, but thought better of it. For all I knew, it was important.
    I rose off the couch and slowly made my way to the front door. I didn’t think to look through the peephole, my eyes still halfway closed.
    “What?” I barked through heavy eyelids as I opened the door to find the very last person I wanted to see. What the fuck is she doing here?
    “Hey . I’m sorry to disturb you, Adam. I just … well … I wanted to talk about Emily.” Diana said, shifting nervously.
    At the sight of her, sleep had left me. I was now wide-awake and livid. I had warned her about coming to my house again. She had some fucking nerve after all the shit she had put me through, showing up here.
    “I told you to never come here,” I growled through my now clenched teeth. Seeing her at the hospital was bad enough, but at my door, asking to talk was a fucking slap in the face. How dare she think that I would want to talk to her?
    “I know you hate me… Heck , I hate me right now, but this is really important Adam. Five minutes… That’s all I ask for,” she muffled, biting her nails.
    “Four minutes left! And no , you may not come in!”
    She took a breath and brought her hand away from her mouth. She looked scared, but I really didn’t give a shit. No one asked her to show up at my door.
    “What I did to you and Emily was inexcusable, I know. I don’t know how it happened, But that night…I just snapped - you know? I fell so hard and couldn’t seem to get a grip on my feelings. Then, when I went by the restaurant we talked and laughed, and…” she trailed off, wiping a single tear from her cheek.
    Fuck! She knows I hate to see a woman cry.
    I signed and moved aside, and nodded for her to come in. She lifted her head higher and shook her head no.
    “I can’t… Not after… I just can’t. I wouldn’t survive having to leave,” she confessed.
    A small – very small - part of me wanted to hold her, to give her comfort, but I couldn’t be her comfort anymore.
    “Two minutes,” I said coldly.
    “I wanted you to know that I planned to tell Emily everything. I really did. Even while we were growing closer after the breakup, I wanted to tell her. But I didn’t want to lose…” she trailed off again, snuffling back the fresh waves of tears.
    “You manipulated me , Diana. You broke us up with your lies and then manipulated me! I thought… It doesn’t matter what I thought. Yes, you comforted me after the breakup. But it was only so you got what you wanted.” I scolded, my anger now causing my chest to heave.
    She nodded slowly and allowed her head to fall in shame. “I know you think that. I don’t blame you for feeling like that.”

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