matter—there would be hell to pay. “Go dance with your sister.”
“I’d rather dance with you.” Her full breasts pressed against his back, her hips shifting and swishing against his ass.
Small hands flattened over his stomach before dipping lower, toward his belt, and he risked a glance downward to see her moonstone ring winking up at him, glowing ruby in the light of the club. “Señorita,” he warned.
“Ilda.” Her body rolled, a subtle, sensual writhing that immediately made him harder than stone. “Dance with me, Casí.”
Halting the movement of her hands by linking his fingers with hers, he allowed the thumping bass from the club’s speakers to infiltrate his bloodstream. No one had seen them together, not yet, so he stole a few brief seconds as the music washed over him and into her. Or maybe it was coming from her and infecting him, because Casey wasn’t a man who danced, just like he wasn’t a man who sang, or played, or took unnecessary risks while undercover in the world’s most dangerous drug cartel. He let his body move in time with hers, doing little more than swaying in place while she performed the equivalent of a blind lap dance. Him being the blind party.
Her fingertips curled into his abs, testing the resistance of his muscled flesh. “You feel good, Casí. Like a man.”
The hard points of her nipples brushed against his back. She was turned on. Dancing with him, touching him, had aroused her, and that was worth another spot of daring on his part. Because, evidently, he had a death wish.
Spinning, he broke her hold and dropped a heavy hand to her chest, the heel of his palm resting along the tops of her breasts. He pushed, gentle but purposeful, and she trustingly stepped backward, her gaze never leaving his. She was smiling when he maneuvered her around a corner toward a utility closet, and she kept smiling even when her shoulders hit the wall.
His fingers splayed over her collarbone, he bent until their noses brushed. “You like teasing me? Torturing me?”
Her tongue darted out to flick his lower lip. “Only because I want a taste of you, Casí.”
He dug deep for patience, for common sense, for some sort of self-preservation...and found none. Breathing in her scent—floral, light, sweet and fresh—Casey let loose a growl, unashamedly predatory. “You want a taste, Ilda? Because once I give it to you, you’re gonna need to keep coming back for more.” The hand on her chest shifted, lifting to circle her delicate throat. “You’re gonna need me.”
She gripped the front of his T-shirt in both hands. “That’s what I’m banking on.” Tugging hard, she brought his mouth to hers in a searing kiss.
God, why couldn’t he wake up?
He glanced in the Escalade’s rearview mirror, seeing not the traffic on the road but the woman in the back seat. “You’re quiet tonight.”
Ilda kept her face turned to the window, expression pensive. “I’m sorry.”
He gritted his teeth. “Don’t apologize. Just tell me what’s on your mind.” He paused. “No one’s listening.”
“I don’t care if anyone is listening, Casí!” The words exploded from her, anger in every syllable, and he heard her move restlessly in her seat. “I want to tell Pipe about us.”
“That would be a mistake.” On so many levels would that be a mistake. Signaling, he made a right turn into the underground garage beneath Ilda’s luxury condo building in El Poblado.
“I already told Théa.”
Worry seized him as he pulled into one of the reserved parking spaces for her unit. If Théa knew, it was only a matter of time until Pipe found out, and the consequences of his secret relationship with Ilda would finally manifest. Likely involving some sort of pain for Casey. Killing the ignition, he hopped out of the driver’s seat, opened the door to the back and climbed in beside her, slamming the door behind him. Without a word, he cupped her lovely face in his hands and stole the kiss
Dates Mates, Sole Survivors (Html)