The Chosen Ones

The Chosen Ones by Lori Brighton Read Free Book Online

Book: The Chosen Ones by Lori Brighton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lori Brighton
Tags: Young Adult
didn’t answer, Tony did.
“Because we always take the worn paths, the obvious trails, drawing them away
from the kids. And if there’s one thing we know, it’s that blood drinkers are
lazy. They will go after the easiest prey.”
    Easiest prey? The words left me
ill. I nodded my thanks. But I had more questions, and I didn’t want to have
this discussion with Tony, who treated me like I was an idiot, and looked at me
with about as much warmth as he looked at the beautiful ones. I didn’t want
answers from him, or even Kelly. I wanted answers from the man who seemed to
know the most, the one who was in charge. The very man who was so far ahead
that within minutes he would be a mere pinpoint on the horizon.  
    “Will, please,” I called out.
    Most of the group glanced at me
in surprise. A heated flush of embarrassment rushed up my neck and into my
cheeks as I wondered if I’d done something wrong by addressing him directly. What
sort of leader was he? But I didn’t care what they thought, at least that’s
what I told myself. And I wasn’t going to relent until I got answers. “Will?”
    He paused and glanced back. I
didn’t miss the utter look of annoyance that flitted across his face. “What?”
    “Are we headed to the compound
where I lived?”
    He frowned. “Why would we?”
    Confused, I looked for reassurance
from Kelly, but she was already up the next hill. “I assumed we were headed to
the compounds to help the others escape.”
    “Why would you assume that?”
    “Because…” But I couldn’t speak
the words without offending him. Because I had assumed they were warriors, an
army marching to war. Perhaps they weren’t going to war after all, but hiding
from it.
    Will rubbed his hands over his
face as if he was exhausted with life in general, or maybe just me. “We can’t.”
    “We don’t have the time or
resources, Jane. If we go in there without careful planning, then we all die.”
    “I understand, but…”
    He turned and started after the
others in the group as if our conversation was over. Here, in these woods that
seemed to stretch forever and ever, I’d never felt more alone in my life. Frustrated,
I raced ahead, catching Will halfway up the hill. “So then we’ll be going there
    He didn’t respond.
    I panted, trying to keep pace. Even
though my body screamed at me for rest, I wouldn’t pause until I had the truth.
“I need answers, Will.”
    I didn’t miss the way Tony
rolled his eyes. Everyone else looked just as annoyed when I kept interrupting
their progress. Did they expect me to merely accept everything as it was? No
questions? No worries?
    “You guys go ahead,” Will said.
“Lead the way, Tony. We’ll take up the back.” The moment they were out of
hearing, Will turned toward me. “What do you want to know?”
    One small victory. “First of
all…what are they?”
    He sighed and glanced at the
group who was disappearing through the trees. It was obvious he would rather be
anywhere but standing there with me. “You read the book, Dracula . Although it’s not completely accurate, it gives you an
    “Yes,” I said, brushing aside
his comment. “But why are they the way they are?”
    “We don’t really know, but we do
know they’re born that way.” He reached up and scratched the scruff along his
jaw. “Some think they are super human beings, I suppose. Some say they are
fallen Gods. Fallen angels. Demons.”
    Half the stuff he mentioned I
had never heard of and didn’t understand. Books. I needed more books. But I
realized as I looked around me, that it would be impossible to carry much of
anything when one was constantly on the run. Instead, I had to rely on Will and
his knowledge.
    We started toward the trail,
following the others. The city remains gave way to forests, with tangled vines
and trees so tall they would have loomed over the buildings we’d left behind. “What
else do you know?”
    He shifted the satchel

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