“A reminder. Traveling along the electrical waves is dangerous. You both need to hold on to me tightly as we follow it. No letting go, understand?”
Both males nodded, each grabbing one of his elbows. It wasn’t easy dematerializing onto a call wave by himself, so having two rogues along for the ride would prove to be difficult. But he’d done it before with them and they should be just fine.
Excitement whipped through him. In a matter of moments, they would finally capture Satin. The female had disappeared over fifty years ago without a word of goodbye and without a trace. The only answer they’d been able to come up with about her escape was that someone close to the Queen must have helped Satin. Much to the Queen’s annoyance, she’d never found out who had done the deed.
Tristan concentrated and nodded his head to the other two as he found the electric signature between the two females. Instantly they were airborne, dematerializing and riding the wave.
* * * * *
Lisbeth popped the scent concealer pill into her mouth and surveyed her apartment trying to think of anything she might need while she was away. Nothing came to mind. Just fear and anger and an array of emotions she couldn’t put a name to.
She’d become complacent living under the pseudonym of Lisbeth Crowe. She could just scream at how stupid she’d been in not following her strict regimen. But when Zeena had called this morning crying hysterically and asked Lisbeth to help her out by modeling, Lisbeth hadn’t had the heart to say no. She’d dropped everything, including the drug that would have concealed her scent, and dematerialized to be there for her friend. Now she was paying for her incompetence. Big time.
Fear and hopelessness clogged her throat and she wiped away the wet tears streaming down her cheeks. She would probably never return here.
Damn that Queen! Damn her stupidity!
* * * * *
A splitting headache brought Jaymes Colddusk to his knees as he materialized beside Luca and Tristan. Luca seemed in similar distress, holding his head as he gazed around the luxurious apartment they’d materialized into.
Tristan, on the other hand, appeared well as he moved through the apartment. He didn’t have to tell them that Satin had already left, leaving nothing but her enticing scent hanging heavily in the air.
“Bitch!” Tristan growled as he returned and began sniffing the air. “I can’t fully grab onto her scent. She was here, but now she’s gone. She must have taken one of those anti-scent pills the Queen had mentioned. I may still be able to grab hold. In the meantime, we need something to prevent her from dematerializing when we catch up to her.”
Luca cursed. “We forgot about that part.”
Jaymes shook his head, his face scrunched with disgust. He’d forgotten about that too. If Satin knew how close they were, she would just materialize and dematerialize, her scent getting weaker and weaker as the scent disguiser did its magic, until they couldn’t follow her anymore.
“We need to focus, males,” Tristan complained as he continued sniffing the air. “In our excitement we’re overlooking things. Had she been here, we could have lost her by her just dematerializing. When I lock onto her again, she won’t be so lucky.”
“I’ll get right onto a concoction to prevent her from getting away. I’ll follow your scent trails when I return with it,” Luca replied. He dematerialized.
Jaymes grimaced as his head continued to pound.
“Didn’t know Luca and his passion for potions would come in so handy,” Tristan said and grinned at Jaymes. The male was happy. Extremely happy, and Jaymes knew Tristan had hooked onto her signature again.
“She was standing right here not more than a minute ago. I’m going to follow her.”
“I’ll go get some of those walk-in-the-sunlight drugs we read about in that female’s mind. Then I’ll catch up with Luca and we’ll follow your trail.”
Tristan nodded and
Kody Brown, Meri Brown, Janelle Brown, Christine Brown, Robyn Brown