Crimson's Captivation
“Do you fear the Russians because
the land is theirs?” the general asked, his chest swollen with
    “I fear the Russians because I respect them.
I fear them because I would fight to the death, any man who landed
on my homeland with harm in mind. And that is exactly what we are
about to do.”
    The general nodded in understanding. “Sir,
will you continue on to Parnu or disembark with our men in
    “I want Narva before the winter sets in. I
will travel with ten thousand men to Parnu, you shall move with the
remaining men into Riga and setup our headquarters and supply
backup as needed. Riga will be paramount as our supply line for the
remainder of our conflicts. You must hold Riga at all cost.”
    “Yes, my king.”
    “That means if you are the last standing, you
will give your last breath.”
    “My king, my last breath will shout your name
so that all may hear the power of Sweden.”
    Charles XII gripped the general’s shoulders.
“None are as brave as you, lest he be a horse thief.”
    The general laughed, so loud it vibrated
across, and rippled the Baltic, “And to you, my king, I say this:
none braver, for thou art younger than any other king in this
battle, yet victory shall be ours.”

Chapter VI
    ~ Trekschuit ~

    The activity of the chambermaids and
caretakers was now at a feverish pitch as they readied their
charges for transport. Crimson and Sena were led from the bathing
pool, dried near the fireplace and wrapped in a thin peignoir. The
disparity in temperature surged over Crimson’s body and her nipples
pushed firm against the thin fabric. Her afterglow had faded and
she already missed it. The large male, now known to Crimson as
Sergen, was pulled to the side and fitted with a fabric codpiece
that strapped his member to his thigh.
    All three were lined up at the door in single
file, first Sergen, in the middle Crimson, with Sena the last in
line. Their wrists were tied behind their backs and each was
blindfolded. A single rope was tied to each, looping around the
waist of the person in front. To Crimson, it felt like an abnormal
game of hide and seek. Sergen and Sena were easy to find, everyone
else just disappeared, and she, too, wanted to run and hide. She
wanted to hide from Tor. Tor sickened her. She knew he was deaf and
blind to the needs of a woman.
    Kieran entered the room, he moved in near
silence as if he floated on air. He pulled the ropes, checked the
knots and inspected the markings on each captive. He stopped near
Sena. “I’ve seen you before, haven’t I? What, two, maybe, three
months ago. Weren’t you sold to a Vizier of the Ottoman’s
    Sena didn’t respond. She closed her eyes
under the blindfold and hoped Kieran would walk away, hoped he
would convince himself he was mistaken. Kieran watched her
reaction, her breaths became shallow and he could hear her heart
beat. Even in silence, her body told the truth.
    Without a sound Kieran was next to Crimson,
he lifted her peignoir, found the red welt across her right butt
cheek. His touch rekindled the strap's burn as he traced over the
welt with his finger. “My dear Crimson, skin as beautiful and soft
as yours should never be disciplined due to an offense, it’s far
too delicate. Only playful forays in temptation or passion should
find their way to your lovely cheeks. Let the slow burn of the
strap remind you of this.”
    He leaned in closer and whispered, “I almost
took you for my own.”
    His breath was warm and sweet on her ear, the
smell of an indefinable combination of exotic spice and Turkish
tobacco. His dark hair brushed Crimson’s cheek and her mouth wanted
to find his in the darkness of her blindfolded world.
    “Why don’t you?” she whispered. Her question
was soft and imploring, hinting that it might not be too late.
    Kieran lifted her hair and ran his finger
over the fang marks he’d left on her neck. “Fair question,” he
whispered. He grabbed her wrist tied behind her back and

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