Please do sit down. I hope you won't mind but we checked with Der Spiegel that you were reporting for them.'
'General Charles de Forge?' Newman enquired, remain ing on his feet.
'Of course. This is Major Lamy, my Chief of Intelligence.'
De Forge had a strong hawk-like face, longish and with a firm jaw. His eyes were a piercing blue and he stared penetratingly at Newman as he rose, extended a hand. His grip was so firm Newman's fingers would have suffered had he not been prepared for it.
Lamy sported a dark smear of a moustache and his expression was sardonic as he nodded to Newman who now sat down.
'I can't interview you, General, with someone else present.'
De Forge, his manner aloof, stared at Newman. Leaning against the imperial high-backed chair, he exuded dynamic energy under the control of an iron will. There was some thing almost presidential about his manner.
'Major Lamy is one of my closest associates.'
'Nevertheless,' Newman insisted, 'I made it quite clear on the phone - and the call was with Lamy - that the interview was to be personal. That means alone.'
'Lamy, you'd better leave us. Reporters seem to think they out-rank generals.'
'I have heard rumours,' Newman began after the Intelli gence officer had shut the door, 'that you have strong views on the present position in France. When I was at the gate I was body-searched. The lieutenant used a word I didn't quite grasp. Saboteurs.'
'The scum are everywhere. France is polluted with alien elements that should be removed. Algerians, Arabs - God knows what else.'
'That sounds like the programme of the new party, Pour France, an extremist group akin to Action Direct.'
Newman's French was fluent. He thought he detected a hint of surprise in the penetrating eyes. De Forge waved a well-shaped hand.
'I am a servant of the Republic. Politics does not interest me. But I must correct you. Pour France is a party whose popularity is growing hourly. If their views coincide with mine, that is irrelevant.'
'You're not concerned in any way with politics, or so you say. Have you any views on the new Germany?'
It was like pressing a button. De Forge leaned forward, gesticulating with a clenched fist. But his voice remained calm as he launched his attack.
'We have to be on our guard. The present Chancellor is a man of peace, but who follows him? A new Bismarck who will attempt to use the tremendous power of unified Germany to take back Alsace-Lorraine from us again? I draw your attention to the Siegfried movement which is growing stronger daily. An underground organization which may surface at any time. France must be prepared for a fresh onslaught. I repeat, Siegfried is a great menace to us - to your own country. We must be strong. You want to see how strong we are?'
'I did see your tanks ...'
'I refer to our methods of training an elite army - ready for any emergency. Come with me, Mr Newman...'
De Forge stood up, placed his képi over his high forehead. He glanced at the silhouette of General de Gaulle and smiled coldly.
'He was a great man. Maybe it is time for. a second de Gaulle to arise. Come!'
De Forge led the way from his office out of the building to where a vehicle like a jeep was parked. Jumping with agility behind the wheel he beckoned for Newman to join him in the passenger seat. Curious, Newman climbed up. He had barely sat down when the vehicle began moving at high speed.
Uniformed men on motorcycles appeared as outriders with sirens screaming, ahead of the General and behind his vehicle. The racing cavalcade swept through the gates of the main entrance which had been opened, continued into the countryside.
Newman, holding on with his right hand to avoid being tipped out, glanced at the General. His hawkish profile was calm despite the fact that he obviously enjoyed moving at high speed. The cavalcade swung off the road up a track across a field towards a forest, slowed down.
'Just where are we going?' Newman demanded.
'To show you the
Stella Noir, Roxy Sinclaire