Crushed (Breaking the Rules Series Book 5)

Crushed (Breaking the Rules Series Book 5) by K Webster Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Crushed (Breaking the Rules Series Book 5) by K Webster Read Free Book Online
Authors: K Webster
Tags: Book 5 in the Breaking the Rules Series
ignoring my own ache that stretches across the side of my abdomen.
    “Are you okay?” I question.
    “I think I’m having another Braxton Hicks contraction. Those things are so annoying,” she complains.
    “Come on. Let’s go take a break.” I motion for her to follow me into the kitchen.
    While we may not see eye to eye on everything, Jill and I have grown rather close. I feel protective over her—not just because she’s carrying the baby that will soon be mine, but also because she’s like a little sister to me now.
    “I can make us some lunch. What do you feel like having?” I question. I must be hungry and overworked because my skin suddenly feels flushed and I think I might pass out. We’ve worked too long since breakfast. I need food and soon.
    “Pizza,” she tries with a laugh, but it’s cut short when she has another pain. “Ow!”
    “Jill, are you sure you’re having Braxton Hicks? Maybe you should go lie down on the couch,” I say before nervously chewing on my lip.
    The ache in my own belly now starts to worry me. As she waddles over to the couch, I find my phone and call my husband.
    “Hey, beautiful,” he answers in the deep timbre that always makes my knees go weak.
    “Can you come home? Jill is having sharp pains and I’m not feeling so hot either, Jackson. Please,” I whine.
    “Shit. Of course. I’ll call Laura and will be there in fifteen minutes,” he replies urgently before hanging up.
    I don’t want to freak out, but I’m about to freak the hell out.
    Plastering on a calm look, I walk into the living room to meet the wide eyes of Jill. “What?” I demand, all calmness gone right out the damn window.
    “I think I peed myself,” she whispers in horror.
    I would smile, but another pain that nearly brings me to tears wraps around my side. Please, God, do not let this be happening to me.
    Choking back a sob, I make my way over to her and grab her hands. “Jill, I think your water just broke. Little Tyler is on his way.”
    A few weeks back, when we found out the sex of our own baby, Jackson and I decided to name the babies Tyler and Thomas. Tyler is the little boy Jill is carrying, and Thomas is in my belly.
    She starts to cry. “Oh shit. I’m not ready, Andi. This is going to hurt.”
    My tears are already streaming down my face as another painful ache stretches around my stomach. “I think something is wrong with Thomas,” I gasp as I quickly fall into the armchair. The room spins, but I try to force myself to relax.
    “What?! Andi, I’m sure he’s fine and—owwwww!”
    We’re quite a mess, the two of us. Come on, Jackson. Please hurry up.
    “Jill, go dig around in my closet. Change into some dry clothes and we’ll get ready to go. Jackson will be here soon,” I instruct from my chair. I’m afraid to move. The pain hasn’t gone away. In fact, it has begun to intensify.
    Once Jackson gets here, everything will be okay. Just last week, Dr. Ellis did an ultrasound and my baby was perfectly healthy. He’s just fine. I won’t freak out. I’m sure I’m just having sympathy pains for Jill.
    He’s not okay.
    I force the horrible thought from my head and close my eyes. I cannot lose Thomas. He’s stuck with me for so long. I’ve felt him moving inside me. My baby is fine.
    He has to be.
    Nausea hits me with the force of a hurricane and I nearly vomit all over my living room. I press my cheek against the cool leather of the chair and take slow, deep breaths, which helps the ill feeling pass.
    When the front door bursts open, my eyes fly open and I sigh in relief. He’s here. And a very concerned Jordan is with him. They’ll make it better. My Jackson will take care of everything.
    “Go find Jill,” Jackson orders his brother before rushing to my side and dropping to his knees. “What’s wrong, Andi?”
    I whimper and take his hand. “I don’t know, but I hurt. Something doesn’t feel right.”
    “Come on. We’ll get both of you to the hospital.

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