her alone with Kyne.
She stared at him, but kept her expression neutral.
“I suggest you refrain from comment or protest. My temper
is none too even at the moment. You have no choice in
accommodation. If the castle boasted a dungeon, I’d as soon
house you there, but my father’s ancestors didn’t believe in
imprisoning their enemies beneath their feet. As Graham said,
the castle is fair to bursting, and I’m not so foolish as to leave
you unguarded.”
“I never supposed you were. However, I had no intention
of protesting.” At his side she would be safe and could learn
more about him, but.... “Your plan is sound, though it does have
its flaws. You will protect me from your people by posing as
my...lover.” She hesitated on the word. He thought her
dangerous. Let him wonder how much. Standing in front of
him, she met his glare. “But who will protect me from you?
And...” she cocked her head to one side and gave him a small
smile, “who will protect you from me?”
She knew it foolish to deliberately taunt him, but his shocked
look made it worth the risk.
Kyne kept remembering the provocative sway of the
woman’s hips and her saucy words. Did she deliberately taunt
him? Had she discerned his desire for her and now attempted
to set spark to kindling? Which was she, innocent or wanton?
Kyne had bitten his lip to keep from calling her back and
demanding an answer.
As they approached, the blue stone of Castle Vareck
shimmered in the late afternoon sun, appearing whole and
formidable in the distance. Closer in, the broken ramparts and
crumbling walls became apparent. Though Kyne had repaired
and rebuilt what he could of the ancient structure, he knew
only the castle’s isolated and unknown location prevented
DiSanti from attempting to capture it.
Generations past, his ancestors had built the castle to block
the one accessible pass through the mountain from a neighboring
enemy. Then over a hundred years before a tremor shook the
mountain and blocked that pass, rendering the fortress
unnecessary as well as nearly unreachable.
Now this crumbling edifice served as the last stronghold of
a desperate people, a people pushed to the edge by an unyielding
despot determined to squeeze the very life from them. More
and more came, forced from their lands by unrelenting taxes.
Faced with being coerced into service in DiSanti’s army, their
families held hostage, many stole away in the night with nothing
but the clothes on their backs.
How many more could he feed and house? Graham was
right, they must make their move before winter set in or face
starvation when snow blocked the trails.
Kyne felt the woman straighten behind him and catch her
“Beautiful,” she whispered in awe. “It glows like it’s made
of blue crystal.”
Built of the same blue stone as Vareck Castle, Kyne’s family
home in the Shula Valley had been modeled after the stronghold.
A place of peace, love and laughter for generations, now only
rubble remained, along with broken dreams and ghosts who
cried out for vengeance.
Justice, my son. Not vengeance, his father’s voice echoed
in his mind. Justice or vengeance, it mattered not. Kyne vowed
to make DiSanti pay for his treachery.
In the castle courtyard people crowded around them as
Kyne dismounted. Old men, women and children, this ragtag
army looked to him to topple the current regime and set them
free. Would he lead them to freedom or to death? Despair
threatened to overwhelm him.
Graham pushed his way to Kyne’s side. “Rul Cathor has
come a long way. Let him refresh himself and have last meal
before you descend like locusts upon him. He’ll see to your
needs later. Be gone.”
“Father! Father!” A child’s high, piping voice broke through
the babble as the crowd dispersed.
Kyne turned, and a small body catapulted into his arms.
The little girl showered his face and neck with moist, sticky
kisses. Gloom