Cult of the Hexad (Afterlife saga Book 6)

Cult of the Hexad (Afterlife saga Book 6) by Stephanie Hudson Read Free Book Online

Book: Cult of the Hexad (Afterlife saga Book 6) by Stephanie Hudson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stephanie Hudson
    “I think it has something to do with our dreams. The last dream I had my Angel was trying to tell me something and the dream ended with him pointing to the full moon outside his window.” Even though there was nothing sexual in what she was saying I knew there had been a heck of a lot more to this dream, well that was if her crimson blush was anything to go by. 
    “It was after that when I started to think about why this place is even here or why we are even having these dreams? And now both of us in the same night managed to break through and in one way or another, we communicated with them…it has to mean something, it just has to.” I could see now how much this was affecting my twin and I don’t think I realised up until then just how much her feelings mirrored my own. We both knew there was something more to these visions and each new day just seemed to lay more evidence to that conclusion at our feet.
    “I agree.” I said comforting her and placing my hand over hers that she rested on her knee. I knew my twin, better than I knew myself sometimes and I could see in her beautiful blue eyes how much of a toll this was taking on her. Ari was strong, much stronger than I but these dreams seemed to be grinding her down, almost making her desperate…or was it because our joint time was nearing for when we could leave.
    “It’s Bethany’s time to leave next isn’t it?” I asked making sure I had it right, as losing time in this place was easily done. 
    “Yeah, tomorrow night is her leaving ceremony…why?”
    “Because now we suspect something isn’t right, it would be a good opportunity to keep a look out for anything …don’t you think?” Ari’s smile told me she completely agreed.
    “Well that is if I am let out from house arrest by then or you might be flying this detective mission solo.”
    “No way, mother wouldn’t dare keep you from a ceremony, not when the Elders teachings are all about strength in numbers when it comes to worshipping the Gods.” This I guessed was true, so all I needed to do was make sure I was back in that hole before nightfall tomorrow. As if reading my thoughts Ari said,
    “Don’t worry about it, everyone will be too busy on the other side of the house to see you sneak back in. You know what it’s like when someone leaves, ‘elbows deep in dough and pie making for us little woman’ and ‘fields need a’ ploughing for God’s righteous men’.” I had to laugh at the different voices she put on for each example. The squeaky woman’s voice sounded very similar to Bethany, the girl who was lucky enough to leave tomorrow night and the man’s was overly deep, the way our pompous uncle always spoke in his sermons.
    “Right, I’d better be getting back before mother thinks you need a cellar buddy and tries to stuff me down there as well.” I rolled my eyes thinking with that woman there was a first for everything and I would put nothing past her as long as it was cruel and unloving.
    I stood up with my sister and grabbed her hand just before she was about to leave.
    “Thank you Ari.”
    “What for?” I looked around the small straw shelter that looked more homely than my stark room ever did and said,
    “For all this, but most of all for getting me out of that place…the vision I saw down there…” My shiver was enough to describe how traumatic it had been and Ari pulled me in for one last hug.
    “One month.”
    “One month.” We both whispered at the same time, repeating it like our very own survival mantra.
    “Maybe we should have T-shirts made for the big day?” Ari laughed at me before pulling back and motioning with her dress.
    “What, and lose these lovely stylish and oh so comfortable dresses…are you mad?” She mocked making me laugh.
    “Good point.”
    “I think we hold off the T-shirt ordering until it can say, ‘Freedom Forever’.”
    “I like it and a lot catchier than ‘One Month’.” I agreed, thankful at least we could joke

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