Curse of the Wickeds (The Cinderella Society, Episode 2)

Curse of the Wickeds (The Cinderella Society, Episode 2) by Kay Cassidy Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Curse of the Wickeds (The Cinderella Society, Episode 2) by Kay Cassidy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kay Cassidy

    “Just like your signature style is the core of the Appearance element”—she drew a smiley face over APPEARANCE —“your Cindy brand is the core of the Personality piece.”
    Gaby drew a circle around PERSONALITY and tapped it with her marker.
    “Personality here means who you are on your best days. We call it your Cindy brand. It’s how you would describe yourself on days you’re totally in the zone and everything’s clicking. When you feel strong and confident. Your ‘best self’, as Sarah Jane would say.”
    “Best selves rule!” called a voice from the lounge.
    Gaby snorted. “The goal of the Cindy brand is to capture that moment. Once you know who you are on your best days, you’ll be able to use it as a guide in everyday life. Before you walk into a party or stand up to do a presentation in class, you can remind yourself of who you are when you’re in the groove. You’ll be amazed by how that super quick mental check-in can get you off on the right foot. And when things are crazy in your life, it’s a great reminder that you can still shine amidst the chaos.”
    “Even if the chaos involves the Wickeds?” I asked.
    “Especially then.”
    Gaby plopped down at the table with us and opened a thick folder. “After a while, it just becomes part of who you are.” She rifled through the stack of papers inside. “The more your Cindy brand is engrained in you, the more those pieces of your personality naturally come to the surface. That’s when it really makes an impact on your image.”
    Gaby passed around a new packet of worksheets including a massive word list of personality traits. I dutifully put mine in my CMM binder.
    “There’s no right or wrong Cindy brand as long as it’s really you. This is one of those assignments that usually takes several passes before you find the right combination, so don’t rush it. Take time to really think about your best days. Are you energetic, thoughtful, gracious?”
    How about option D, none of the above?
    No Wicked chatter.
    “Right now, you’ve gone through phase one of your makeover, and you have a signature style that flatters you.” Gaby smiled when Kat let out a whoop. “But even if you’re a total knockout, people aren’t done forming an opinion about you. How you interact with people plays a huge role in how they see you.”
    Gaby nabbed Mel for an experiment and took her just inside the door to the lounge. They leaned their heads together while Gaby whispered instructions.
    Mel paused for a second before walking back into study hall. She looked at each of us around the table, then adopted a bored stance with an expression that clearly said I am so not hanging with these loser pickles.
    Totally un-Mel. And totally Lexy.
    Gaby stepped back into study hall. “Let’s say you just walked into a party where you don’t know anyone,” she said. “You’re looking around to figure out who to hang with and you see this girl.” She jerked a thumb in Mel’s direction. “What’s your first impression?”
    “That she has drama issues and I’m steering clear,” I volunteered, when no one else piped up.
    “Me too,” Gaby agreed. “It wouldn’t matter if she looked like a model or wore the coolest clothes.”
    Both of which Mel did.
    Gaby whispered in Mel’s ear one more time. Mel walked into the lounge, then turned around and came right back into study hall looking relaxed and greeting Gaby with a smile. She looked cheerful and at ease. No more acting, just Mel.
    “It only takes a few seconds for someone to form a first impression.” Gaby asked. “Different this time?”
    Duh. Completely lovable.
    “Personality matters,” Gaby said. “A heck of a lot more than your outfit.”
    To help us understand what a Cindy brand looked like, Gaby shared her own.
    “My Cindy brand is honest, ambitious, and curious .” She wrinkled her nose. “It’s not glamorous, I know. But it’s me. I’m driven and want

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