Cursing Athena (Order Of Seven)

Cursing Athena (Order Of Seven) by Lisa Sanchez Read Free Book Online

Book: Cursing Athena (Order Of Seven) by Lisa Sanchez Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lisa Sanchez
around, the large velvet-covered chair looming before them. “I think we need to take advantage of this room. Seein’ as we’ve got it all to ourselves.” He pressed his lips to her ear and palmed her left breast. “You’re gonna dance for me, baby.”
    Silent tears brushed Danika’s cheeks as she fought to breathe. During their short time together, James had stolen her money, her happiness and her self-respect. She wasn’t about to let him steal her right to say no as well. I won’t let this happen. I won’t!
    Drawing her knee up toward her chest, she slammed the spiked heel of her boot down onto the top of James’ foot, then wriggled free as he doubled over, howling in pain.
    “Ah! Fuck!” He bent forward and clutched his foot, the heavy amount of alcohol in his system causing him to lose his balance. Off-kilter, he fell sideways, crashing through a glass-topped end table as he fell on his ass. “You’re gonna pay for that, bitch!”
    “I’m already paying off all of your debt. I’m not paying for anything else!” Afraid he might get up before she got away, she gripped the doorknob and raced into the narrow hallway with a frightened whimper.
    Flustered and out of breath, she swiped the tears from her face and smoothed her hair as she hurried toward the bustling crowd. If she could just make it behind the bar, she’d be safe. Mason would inform the bouncers, and they’d boot James’ sorry ass from the club.
    She’d made it to the end of the bar when a large hand grasped her shoulder and spun her around.
    Clothing covered in glass shards and spattered with blood, James glared at her and snarled. In a flash of movement, he gripped her by the neck and forced her back against the bar, knocking a blond co-ed out of her seat in the process. “I’m done with you, bitch!”
    A deep rumble reminiscent of a lion’s growl carried over the noise of the club, and a large hand shot through the air at lightning speed. Enormous fingers clasped onto James’ wrist, a loud snap echoing through the crowded space.
    James released her from the chokehold he held her in and shrieked as he clutched his injured forearm to his chest. “My wrist is broken! My fucking wrist is—ahh!”
    The large hand that had stopped James from crushing her windpipe wound its way around James’ neck, treating him to the same heinous punishment.
    Danika’s gaze traveled up the length of the muscular forearm holding James immobile. Who in the… Danika gasped. Holy…Whoa! Her breath caught, her heart thundering against her ribs. It was Mr. No Name. And good Lord Almighty, he looked pissed!

Chapter 6
    Ty slammed his fist onto the table and swore beneath his breath. “Athena be damned!” Why? Why couldn’t he concentrate on anything but Danika? He didn’t have time for distraction. His job was too important. The Hirudo had been running amuck for the past two weeks, feeding and killing off anything and anyone that got in his way.
    No more! Ty stood from the table and cut through the massive throng of bodies toward the opposite end of the club. He planned on finding the leech and placing it on the Red Eye bound for hell—tonight.
    Despite his urgent call of duty, he’d been keeping tabs on Danika for the past hour, reading her emotions. Up until a few moments ago, she’d exuded a mix of frustration, anger, and resolve. He was quite sure all were a direct result of his earlier brush off. Her anguish tore at his gut, but he convinced himself it was for the best. She was light, pure and innocent, and he…well…he was dark. Damn dark. If she got messed up with him, she’d only get hurt, and he wasn’t about to let that happen. Especially if she were his life mate.
    Cursing himself for straying from his mission, he focused on the large crowd, scanning, searching for any sign of the parasite as he slowly made his way toward the exit. Frustration tore at his gut. Club Masquerade, with its wealthy and perpetually stoned clientele was akin

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