Cut and Run 5 - Armed and Dangerous

Cut and Run 5 - Armed and Dangerous by Abigail Madeleine u Roux Urban Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Cut and Run 5 - Armed and Dangerous by Abigail Madeleine u Roux Urban Read Free Book Online
Authors: Abigail Madeleine u Roux Urban
seeming to notice that he’d disturbed Zane’s lounging, and looked down at Zane, agape.
    Zane waited, feeling a slight trepidation niggling at him as he tried to decide what the reaction meant.
    “This cost you a fortune,” Ty said, aghast, as he lifted the necklace off the pad.
    Zane edged up one shoulder in a tiny shrug. He hadn’t even looked at the price tag. He’d seen it and known he had to get it. And seeing the amazement on Ty’s face just now was worth every cent.
    Ty just looked at him, his hazel eyes boring clear into Zane’s soul. Sometimes Zane found himself wondering what Ty saw when he looked into him like that.
    “Thank you, Zane.”
    “You’re welcome,” Zane said, swallowing hard as he sat up. “Want to see how it looks?” Because he did. Desperately. He’d visualized it uncounted times now.
    Ty gave him a crooked grin and handed him the necklace. He sat so Zane could hook it around his neck. Zane unwound the leather cord and unfastened the clasp before moving it to settle it around Ty’s throat. It took a few seconds to get the clasp closed—Ty’s gaze on him was too distracting for Zane to get his fingers to work—and finally Zane pulled the pendant down so the necklace hung as it was supposed to.
    Ty was still watching him. Zane touched the compass rose as it fell below the hollow of Ty’s throat.
    “Looks great,” Zane said, starting to feel a little self-conscious under Ty’s unwavering gaze.
    “Why a compass?” Ty asked. He hadn’t taken his eyes off Zane’s yet.
    Zane smiled and ran his thumb across the pendant. “Because you gave me direction when I was lost. You showed me the way.” He looked up to meet Ty’s eyes. “You’re like my very own compass.”
    “I know, I know. I’m a sap.”
    “Maybe. But you’re my sap,” Ty said fondly. He reached for Zane and leaned in to kiss him.
    Zane laughed against Ty’s lips. “This from the man who asked me to slow dance in his living room. I think you’ve still got me beat.”
    “You loved it.”
    “Yeah.” Zane touched the compass rose again. “I hope you’ll wear it sometimes,” he said, reaching to trail his fingers along the leather cord.
    Ty reached up and gripped Zane’s hand, meeting his eyes. Zane gazed at him; he couldn’t get over how handsome he was.
    “Thank you, baby.”
    Zane allowed himself a moment to soak in that smile and those sparkling eyes before pulling Ty into another consuming kiss. He didn’t want to brood about the future or be embarrassed about the past anymore. He was taking a page out of Ty’s book and concentrating on the now. And right now, the only thing he wanted was Ty.
    He laughed as Ty wrapped his arms around him and pushed him back to the bed, then climbed on top of him to straddle him and hold him down. Zane gripped his hips, more than eager to see if Ty would ride him wearing nothing but that necklace.
    “Now,” Ty said with a grim note in his voice. “About this beard you’ve got going.”

    A FTER being convinced that the beard and mustache only lent to the image that they weren’t Feds, Ty insisted that the best place to find Zane something else to wear for the job was the Magnificent Mile. Later that afternoon, they exited the cab away from the stores in order to stroll, because they had the time and why the hell not?
    Ty’s exodus had done him good, more than he’d expected when he’d gotten up that morning last week in a panic and bolted. He no longer felt heavy, no longer felt burdened by the past or the future, no longer felt the impending doom of walls closing in on his mind. It had been a good move on his part regardless of the backlash. A mental health break.
    And to top off his improved mood, he and Zane were together in a city halfway across the country from anyone who knew them. Ty could feel the weight of the compass rose around his neck, and it was one burden he was happy to bear. He gave in to the impulse and reached out to slide his

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