Cut Too Deep

Cut Too Deep by KJ Bell Read Free Book Online

Book: Cut Too Deep by KJ Bell Read Free Book Online
Authors: KJ Bell
Tags: General Fiction
intersection and rather than continuing to his office, Mac followed Hadley when she rounded the corner toward her desk.
    “I’m not so sure. He was watching you the other day.”
    “What? You’re crazy.”
    Mac sat on top of her desk and glanced around, looking to see if anyone was watching. Hadley shoved her purse in the desk drawer, ignoring him.
    “He came up to see Mr. Jensen. You were in a heated argument with the printer. He stopped and stared at you.”
    “Like I said, he thinks I’m a lunatic.”
    “Uh-uh. I know my men, girly. His eyes traveled all over your body. He looked at you like he wanted to do very bad things to you, in a very good way.”
    Warmth caressed Hadley’s inner thighs when she thought about Miller looking at her indecently. She shoved Mac from her desk, and he laughed.
    “You’re a pervert. And you’re mistaken. Go to work, before you get me in trouble”.
    “He asked who you were.”
    That got her attention.
    “He did?” Mac nodded, grinning like a gossiping teenage girl. “What did Mr. Jensen say?”
    His grin disappeared completely. “Nothing.”
    The slight shrug of his shoulders suggested more than he let on.
    “Oh, no you don’t, Mac! You better tell me!”
    “It was no big deal. He told Mr. Genetti not to go there with you.” His words hurt more than they should. She allowed her head to fall, her hair hiding her disappointment. “It wasn’t personal. Mr. Genetti is a client of the firm. I’m sure Mr. Jensen doesn’t want him fraternizing with any of the employees.”
    Hadley lifted her head and turned on her computer. “You’re probably right,” she agreed, but deep inside she knew Mac was mistaken. She always had a sense that Mr. Jensen thought her to be beneath the rest of the employees, which meant he absolutely didn’t think her worthy of Miller.
    “Of course, I’m right, not only about Dickhead, but about Miller Genetti having a serious thing for you. Now, tell me you’ll write him a letter.”
    “So not happening, and you’re not right about this one.”
    “Are too!”
    “Are not!”
    “Are too,” he continued, strolling away.
    “Mac, wait!” Hadley walked toward him when he turned around. “I want to make sure we’re good.”
    He let out a small laugh. “You mean you want to make sure I have no more plans to kiss you.” Her eyes widened, but then Mac planted a chaste kiss on top of her head and continued, “We’re fine. You’re not the first girl to reject me. Besides, I know you’re holding out for the G-man”
    “The G-man, really?” Hadley stifled a laugh and glared at him in a way she hoped conveyed a threat. “Drop it! I’m not holding out for him.”
    “Whoa!” Mac backed away with his hands in the air. “Defensive much?” If Hadley were near her desk, she would throw something at him. A paperweight perhaps would knock some sense into him. “Are too,” Mac said again before disappearing down the hall.
    Real mature , Hadley thought, but couldn’t help laughing. Are not!
    She sat back at her desk and sighed. Once sure no prying eyes were close by, Hadley opened her drawer and pulled the letter she’d already written out of her purse.
    With another quick glance, she determined it was safe to read it.
    Dear Mr. Genetti,
    I don't have any idea what possessed me to write you. The news says letters from home will comfort you. I wonder if that's true, or will it only make things harder for you. This is crazy. I don't know what to say to you. My name is Hadley. I work in your building. I'm sure you have no idea who I am. Stupid, right?
    This little voice in my head keeps telling me to write you. If you're reading this, the annoying voice won.
    Hadley paused as a smile lifted her mouth. She thought how the only way Miller would ever read the letter, was if Mac pushed her to send it. And that would never happen.
    What do I say? How are you seems ridiculous. I don't know. What do you miss the most about home? See, even

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