and the two boys return with their catch from the hunt, and see her inside. She begs them not to harm her, saying her name is Fidele—the faithful one—and that she would have died had she not trespassed on their home to eat and get warm. Belarius welcomes the young boy (as he thinks), and Guiderius and Arviragus (Innogen’s brothers, unbeknownst to any of them) immediately feel a strong bond of kinship with her that they are not able to explain, as she does with them. They go in to eat and to hear her story.
A Roman Senator advises a Tribune that the common soldiery is stretched very thin with other foreign wars, and so hands responsibility for the Briton wars over to the gentry. Lucius, who was due to return, is made general and given command of the regiments in Wales.
Cloten arrives in Milford Haven, stating himself every bit as good as Posthumus, whose head he swears to cut off “within this hour.” He also plans to rape Innogen, confident that his mother will be able to excuse his conduct to Cymbeline.
Lines 1–228: Innogen complains of feeling ill and decides to stay behind in the cave while Belarius and the boys go out to hunt. She takes Pisanio’s potion and goes in to rest. As the others set out for the hunt, Cloten enters. Belarius recognizes him, and, fearing he comes with soldiers to arrest them as outlaws, he takes Arviragus to scout for enemy troops, leaving Cloten to Guiderius. Cloten rudely asks Guiderius who he is, telling him that he is the Queen’s son, but Guiderius greets him with contempt, at which Cloten draws his sword. They exit fighting, and Belarius and Arviragus return having found nobody else around. Guiderius re-enters carrying Cloten’s head, and Belarius despairs that they will be hunted down for this act of treason. The boys remain unmoved, ready to face any danger that may come. Guiderius goes off to throw Cloten’s head in the creek behind their cave, while Arviragus goes to tend to Innogen/Fidele. Belarius comments again in an aside how tenderness and bravery combine in their natures.
Lines 229–397: Arviragus, within, plays upon an instrument last played at Euriphile’s funeral, and enters carrying Innogen, whom, under the effects of the Queen’s potion, they believe dead. They all grieve bitterly for the loss, and resolve to bury her along with Cloten, who, Belarius urges, was still a prince and deserves a proper interment. After they have spoken a moving funeral lament, they strew the bodies with flowers and leave. Innogen awakes, the potion having at last worn off, to find herself next to Cloten’s headless body. In a long soliloquy she struggles to reorient herself and ascertain what has happened. Seeing Posthumus’ clothes on Cloten’s body, she believes she is lying next to her dead husband, and suspects Pisanio of foul play. She embraces the body.
Lines 398–478: Caius Lucius enters with a Soothsayer, who predicts Roman success in the wars. They see Innogen upon the body, and rouse her. She tells them it is the body of her master, Richard du Champ, killed “by mountaineers.” Lucius, impressed with Innogen/Fidele’s loyalty, takes her into his service, ordering his men to bury Cloten’s body properly.
Cymbeline anguishes over Innogen’s flight and the dangerous illness of the Queen caused by her son’s disappearance. Pisanio comforts Cymbeline and offers to serve him, and though Cymbeline still suspects him, a Lord avouches that Pisanio was at court when Innogen went missing, and must be innocent. The Lord also advises Cymbeline to prepare his armies against the advancing Romans. Pisanio, in an aside, wonders why he has not heard from either Posthumus or Innogen, and vows to fight bravely for Cymbeline in the ensuing wars.
Belarius sees the Roman armies on the move, and urges Guiderius and Arviragus to run, saying that they have enemies on both sides; they cannot join the Britons as