Cyrosphere 6: Scrambling Lives Together

Cyrosphere 6: Scrambling Lives Together by Deandre Dean Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Cyrosphere 6: Scrambling Lives Together by Deandre Dean Read Free Book Online
Authors: Deandre Dean
they were in looked like an abandoned sporting good shop.
    Jensen was chained to a barbell bench. Hannah was next to it in an open space. Ginger started at her lifelong friend squeezing her fists hard when blood slowly started to trickle free. Her agonizing cries made Ginger stop time to gather her bearings and figure out her next move.
    Free him and get the hell out of here. Ginger uses her powers to try and break the chains but nothing. Next she tried a spell but got the same results. In outrage she flung her hand and they snapped free. Her mouth fell open.
    Ginger wonders, "What just happened?"
    Ginger didn't have time now to worry about her expanding powers. She let time go back, grabbed Jensen to help him up as she half carried him toward Hannah. No, it was sudden. A powerful crackling sound and Hannah violently began to spasm.
    Ginger couldn't form words let along thoughts to describe it. Hannah was dying. How she knew, it was all happening so fast to comprehend. Some inner voice told her to grab her hand before it was too late.
    She reached out and seven seconds later the spasming stopped as Hannah gazed up at her. She let out her last breath and all her particles quickly shot into Ginger. Hannah's body quickly turned to ash and was simply gone.
    Ginger let out a yelp in agony. Jensen pulled her through a portal. Ginger let out a yell and was back at the Darkholme mansion before she could fight the tears freely fallen.
    Chapter Thirty Four:
    How was this possible?
    It had been twenty entire life altering minutes. No, Hannah can't be dead. This is one terrible huge mistake. So this was denial?
    Ginger never truly experienced it before. When everyone she loved had died, a tiny part always knew it. This was something entirely else. Even when they said Stacey had died, she had faith but not this time.
    Hannah Bryton, her guardian angel and lifelong friend was dead. There was no real time to grieve. Jensen was alive and home, but Delia took him. She must have had a reason.
    Ginger's rational, logical and analytic mind kicked into over -drive to figure this out. The tears stop falling; Hannah's death would not be in vain. Step one get my act together. She ran upstairs, splashed her face with some cold water and dried off. Ginger told Jensen to explain everything, but before he could.
    Three things happened. Stacey came in the back-door in action made. The front door got a knock that Yvette had answered. It was the biggest surprise of them all. MaryAnne Kris was at there house, and right now of all times.
    She came running and went crashing into Jensen's arms. He hugged her like she was family.
    Ginger had to keep herself from throwing up, or straight punching this chick in the face. The last thing she expected was the phone ringing. It was Jurnee calling to tell them Penny had gone into labor.
    She thought, "Great!"
    Chapter Thirty Five:
    Penny's sons Ian and Gabriel were the healthiest babies ever. Yvette was showing everyone the photos. Well MaryAnne squeezed besides Jensen like they were waiting.
    Ginger wondered, "What was that about?"
    Stacey informs them that this Delia Kern must have did some spell. She felt a tear in the psychic knit. Once the words were out her mouth. Ginger could feel it. There was a portal being opened that broke all the barriers.
    Ginger says, "Oh shit."
    MaryAnne states, "We can fix this."
    All eyes turned to her.
    Ginger thought, "What we?"
    MaryAnne tells Ginger to summon Oscar, which they were going to need his help. She didn't have time to wonder how she knew about Oscar. When Oscar came out the portal and took one look at her. Ginger knew something was up.
    MaryAnne told Stacey to get Shalice down here like yesterday.
    Aaron asked, "Why should we listen to you?"
    MaryAnne states, "The longer that ripples is in the universes stay open, worlds will start to fuse together. It could kill us all, and last time I checked. I am fond of living. I just got this amazing man back in my

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