Daffodils in Spring

Daffodils in Spring by Pamela Morsi Read Free Book Online

Book: Daffodils in Spring by Pamela Morsi Read Free Book Online
Authors: Pamela Morsi
infectious. Calla couldn’t help but smile back at him.
    â€œWould you…would you like to come in?”
    â€œNo thanks, I’ve got some things to do over at my place, but I wanted to ask if tonight was good for that movie date we talked about?”
    She was thrilled. And mentally berated herself for the feeling. She was no giddy teenager. She should remind him of that right now before he got the wrong idea about where this was going. He might be interesting to talk to, but she wasn’t on the hunt for a new man.
    â€œI’m not a movie person,” she answered. “I haven’t gone to see one in years.”
    â€œWhy not?”
    The question should have been expected, but wasn’t. Calla was forced to answer without seriously thinking about it.
    â€œMark, my late husband—he couldn’t sit still that long,” she said. “He needed to be busy all the time. Spending a couple of hours in an uncomfortable chair watching a screen was near torture to him.”
    Landry listened and nodded. “That’s why he didn’t go. Why don’t you?”
    â€œI suppose I just got out of the habit,” she answered finally.
    â€œThen let’s get you back in,” he said. “They’re showing the film version of a book I just read and I’m really interested in seeing it.” He told her the title.
    â€œOh, I loved that book,” Calla said, then hesitated. “Well, I don’t know exactly how I can say I ‘love’ something that was so tragic. But it was certainly a story that stuck with me.”
    â€œAren’t you interested in seeing how a director would handle it?”
    She shrugged. “Well, yes, I am curious. But I can always wait for the DVD.”
    Landry shook his head. “I’ll pick you up at seven.”
    Left with no chance of refusal, Calla agreed. She made her way inside not quite believing the reality of her first date in over twenty years. She couldn’t help smiling.
    And that grin stayed on her face all through preparations for an eat-and-run dinner. She left more than enough for Nathan on the stove.
    Up in her bedroom, Calla fretted over what exactly to wear. The first thing she put on looked way too dressy. It was fine for church, but people were very casual at the movies. She changed into slacks and a blouse, but she didn’t like the way that looked either. The more clothes she tried on, the more nervous she got. And as she got nervous, she became almost resentful. She was a grown woman. She shouldn’t have to get all dolled up for some silly man. She didn’t want a man. She enjoyed being on her own. Her life was fine, just her and Nathan.
    But none of those rationalizations kept her from trying on everything in her closet until she finally chose an outfit. Her hands shook as she hooked the latch on her necklace. Fight or flight reaction was zizzing through her bloodstream and there were butterflies in her stomach as she walked downstairs. She stepped into the living room and inadvertently caught Nathan and Jazleen on the couch in a passionate embrace.
    Calla was more startled than shocked, but the noise that escaped her lips did sound scandalized. The young couple guiltily separated. Unsure of what to do, Calla left the room. In the safety of the kitchen, she paced. She could hear their furtive whispering and the distinct sound of nervous giggling.
    She tidied up a counter that was already neat, until she heard her son’s voice behind her.
    â€œWe were just kissing, Mom.” Nathan’s voice was defensive.
    Calla turned and gave him what she hoped was a reassuring smile. “I know,” she said. “I trust you.” Then she lowered her voice to add, “Just remember she’s only seventeen and you have four years of college ahead of you.”
    Calla turned away quickly, as if the counter desperately needed her attention. If Nathan was going to roll his eyes or make

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