Dakota Love

Dakota Love by Rose Ross Zediker Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Dakota Love by Rose Ross Zediker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rose Ross Zediker
bite of cheese off her fork. “Although I don’t take my own advice.” She shrugged as she placed the fork on the plate.
    “But I have—,” Rodney managed to get out before the fresh bread stuck to the roof of his mouth. He took a sip of coffee to loosen the bread’s adhesive hold so he could finish his sentence when the waitress approached the table.
    “Can I get you anything else?”
    “I’m good.” Caroline smiled and raised her brows in question to Rodney. Not a hint of tension marring her beauty.
    “Nothing for me, thanks.”
    “Thanks and have a nice day.” The waitress slid the bill toward Rodney.
    Rodney cleared his throat, ready to explain about his mild heart attack. “Caroline, let me—”
    “You said it was okay for me to pay for lunch.” The familiar worry lines were back in place on Caroline’s face as she reached for their check.
    “…say thank you.” Where did that come from? He’d meant to say
    Caroline laughed. “You’re welcome. I thought you were going to insist on paying. Are you ready?” Caroline shouldered her tote bag, slipped from the booth, and headed to the cash register.
    He was ready to confess his health issues, but he wasn’t ready to squelch her happy mood. He slid out of the booth and waited while Caroline paid their tab.

    “This is a good-sized store.” Rodney pulled into a parking space and pushed the gear shift into P ARK . “I thought it’d be a smaller boutiquetype shop.” Rodney opened his door and slid from behind the wheel.
    Caroline gathered her tote and the shopping bag that held Rodney’s quilt. She heard the click of the door release and felt a blast of cool air. No one had opened a car door for her in a very long time.
    “Thank you.” Caroline descended from the cab of the pickup.
    “My pleasure.” Rodney bowed slightly. “It’s the least I can do for the Queen of Quilts.” His brown eyes danced with mischief.
    A sudden thrill surprised Caroline and forced out a high-pitched giggle. Rodney sidestepped her to get to the store entrance. Pulling the door open, he continued the charade. Bending stiffly at the waist, he said, “My lady,” as she stepped through the door. Caroline burst out laughing.
    Mark looked up from behind the counter. “Well, listen to you, Caroline Baker, laughing like a schoolgirl.”
    “It’s his fault.” Caroline pointed to Rodney, telling on him like the schoolgirl she’d been accused of being.
    “Keep it up.” Mark nodded to Rodney. “She needs to lighten up more.” He extended his hand. “Mark Sanders.”
    “Rodney Harris. Nice to meet you.”
    “Now tell me how you pulled a laugh out of this serious gal.”
    “He treats me like royalty because I’m the Queen of Quilts.” Caroline threw her scarf over her shoulder and raised her nose in the air in a mock pose of being socially above the men.
    “You do have a God-given talent. No arguing that.”
    Mark’s statement ended her fun. Caroline relaxed her stance. God only gave her insecurity. Her own hard work honed her quilting abilities.
    “We both know your mom and my mom shared that title. I’m more of a lady-in-waiting.” Caroline’s voice was no longer lighthearted.
    “Don’t sell yourself short. You’ve mastered techniques that neither of them used. Speaking of which, the quilt you donated for the charity raffle brought in two thousand dollars.”
    “That’s pretty impressive.” Rodney whistled for emphasis. “I don’t suppose you snapped a picture of it.”
    Rodney’s flair for business never ceased to amaze Caroline. She knew he wanted to use the picture on the website. Why he gave up his career in advertising was beyond her, but then again, so was the fact that he’d never married. He was a keeper—good-looking, smart, ambitious, and fun.
    “I did.” Mark motioned with his head. “It’s on the bulletin board with the winner holding up the quilt.” Then he turned his attention to a young woman browsing the

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