Dancing in the Gray

Dancing in the Gray by Eydie Maggio Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Dancing in the Gray by Eydie Maggio Read Free Book Online
Authors: Eydie Maggio
Tags: Romance, Contemporary, womens lit
you need a lime or something?”
    “This is not spring break. That shot is
probably about $100. The bottle was 1300 Euro.” She winked at
    “Did you just by that whole bottle?
That’s $1700.” She nodded her head. Trey was dumbfounded. He
partied at Harvard, but not with thousand dollar bottles of
    “Try it. It’s totally worth it.” Elise
motioned to the bartender to pour her another one.
    Trey shook his head then poured the
drink into his mouth. He was shocked. It was smooth and delicious.
“Wow! That’s good.”
    “I know, right!” Elise was nearly
yelling since the music was so loud.
    “Is that our table?” Trey pointed to
where the bottle of tequila was sitting. There was a section of
small rooms that had white leather sectional sofas that surrounded
a low table where the tequila and glasses sat. Opaque drapes that
hung in the front of each area allowing some privacy for the
patrons who could afford to sit there. Obviously, a $1700 bottle of
tequila buys that kind of privacy.
    Elise nodded. She grabbed him by his
wrist and led him to the table. “You want another shot.”
    “Not right now.” He shook his head
already starting to feel warm from the first one.
    “That wasn’t a question.” Elise poured
another shot in his glass. “Fun Elise requires a two shot minimum.”
She lifted the glass off the table and handed it to him.
    Trey smiled and shook his head. “Why
does Fun Elise require a two shot minimum?”
    “Take it, and I’ll tell you.” She bit
her bottom lip in the sexiest way.
    Trey took the shot which was even
smoother this time around. She had great taste in tequila, that’s
for sure. “Spill it!”
    “Because I have a theory that everyone
is only two shots away from doing anything that they want to do.”
She placed the shot glass on the table and grabbed Trey’s hand
leading him to the dance floor.
    He pulled her back to him causing her
to once again be inches away from his lips. “I don’t dance,
    “You will once that shot kicks in.” She
smiled as she grabbed both of his hands and started walking
backwards to the dance floor. She was moving her shoulders and hips
while smiling up at him.
    He finally gave in and let her take him
to the dance floor. There were crowds of people dancing with hardly
any space. The room was completely dark except for the strobe light
that was flashing to the beat of the music. Elise continued walking
Trey into the crowd until they were in the center of the dance
floor. There were so many people, that she was standing chest to
chest with him. She was on the taller side with those wedge heels
on so her head was around Trey’s shoulders. When she started
dancing, there was no other alternative but to move her body
against his. He had a feeling that was all part of her
    She just let go and moved around to the
pulsing beat of the house music as Trey literally just stood there
and enjoyed watching her dance to song after song. She was sexy as
hell just standing there, so her sexy factor grew exponentially as
she continued to dance. Trey loved how her body moved.
    After a long while, she grabbed his
hands and laced her fingers through his moving her arms causing him
to move his. Then, just as she predicted, the shot kicked in. Trey
started moving his hands to the beat of the song. He was so
thankful that the room was so dark. She smiled and her eyes went
wide when she realized that her two shot rule was working on
    He started to raise her hands above her
head as she continued to move her body against his. Once her hands
were in the air, Elise turned around and put the back of her body
against his. She brought Trey’s hands slowly down around her as she
leaned her head back into him. Her hips kept moving and grinding
against him to the beat of the music. Once Trey’s arms were
completely wrapped around her, she unlaced her finger and put his
hands on her hips.
    That’s when the tequila took over. Trey
pulled her

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