For Nick

For Nick by Taylor Dean Read Free Book Online

Book: For Nick by Taylor Dean Read Free Book Online
Authors: Taylor Dean
two meetings he’d had with her, he’d never once seen her smile, not once. She filled him with the desire to make her smile, to bring happiness into her life. He felt ridiculous offering her a fake marriage for a year. And the conversation about consummation had been decidedly uncomfortable. It would appear he’d found a respectable woman, to his relief. Still, he was surprised when she’d agreed to it. Realistically, he hadn’t thought he’d be able to get anyone with a decent bone in their body to agree to his outlandish offer. He was pleasantly surprised by Andie and thrilled with her acceptance of his proposal. He smiled at the thought of her pointing her pepper spray at him, acting as though she was tough as nails, when in reality he could see the naked fear in her eyes.
    “Have I made the right decision, Robert?” Robert sat at the desk, finishing paperwork. He may be a little stiff and formal, but he was a good man and had Zach’s best interests at heart.
    “Do you have a choice?”
    “No, I suppose I don’t.” He sighed in frustration.
    “He just wanted you to be happy, Zach.”
    “You know as well as I do that this is not how I will find happiness in marriage.”
    “I don’t know. She seems like a nice young lady, demure, a little on the serious side and kind of…I don’t know, sad. I would say she’s seen her fair share of tragedy in her life, being widowed and all. But I think you chose well. To be honest, I’m surprised a young lady like her accepted the offer. You’re very lucky.”
    “My sentiments exactly.” So, Robert noticed the sadness in her eyes also. Interesting. He could be very perceptive sometimes. “Do you like her, Robert? I never can tell with you.”
    Robert smiled one of his smiles that looked more like a grimace. “She’s darn good looking. But I could never trust a woman who’s willing to marry a stranger for money.”
    “You don’t trust anyone, Robert.”
    “Too true. However, I must point out, this is not exactly what he had in mind for you and you know it. In fact, this is not at all what he wanted for you. You’re living in a loophole.”
    “One that you created for me.”
    “Don’t blame this on me. It’s entirely your decision. And quit worrying about Chambers. I’ll take care of him. He thinks we’re all members of the Lawyer Club.”
    Zach let out his breath. Robert was right. What kind of woman marries a stranger for money? But then, what kind of man asks her to? It put them on an even playing field, did it not? Neither could look down upon the other for it.
    Of one thing he was certain, he was strangely looking forward to getting to know Andrea Parker. And that was as unexpected as this ridiculous idea of love and happiness in marriage. That only comes once in life and he’d already had his turn.
    And lost it.

    “Andie, it’s Zach. May I take you to dinner on Friday night?”
    He sounded different over the phone, busy, preoccupied. So much for pleasantries. “Sure. Where are we going? I’ll meet you there.”
    “No, I’ll pick you up at your apartment,” he said distractedly.
    “I’d rather meet you at the restaurant, really, there’s no need for gentlemanly manners when we both know this is business,” she told him lightly.
    “I’d like to pick you up and see you home safely. Please let me,” he added, his full attention directed at her now.
    “All right,” she relented. “Thank you. I’ll see you then.”
    While appreciative of his thoughtfulness, her living conditions were embarrassing. Andie worried over it night and day and by the time Friday arrived, she was sure the persistent pain in her stomach had produced an ulcer. She was acutely aware that Zach’s reaction would be one of shock. There wasn’t anything she could do about it. This was her life. Still, she hated feeling like the pauper who’d just attached herself to the rich man. She feared this would be the conclusion he drew when he saw her living space.

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